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Posts from September 2021

The Universe Delivered—But How Do I KNOW It’s My Dream?

Dear Boni, I have been amazed (in both big and small ways) that what I have intended to create has actually come to fruition. At least, I believe that it has. And, therein lies my question. How does one know when an opportunity arises that it is the one that you wanted to create?

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The 10 “Love Lessons” I’ve Learned – And Still Use – To Create An Epic Love Life!

Everyone wants a wonderful love life. Yes, maybe there are a few out there who honestly don’t want a loving partnership…but those who do want it, want it to be epic. And the fact is, epic Love is ready and waiting for every single one of us…if we are willing

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Who Judges Our “Highest Good”?

Dear Boni, There is something I cannot understand about the Law of Attraction. It is often said that God/the Universe/your Subconscious gives you what you focus on; without judging whether it is good for you or not. But then on the other hand, it is also often said that you

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The “Ten Things” Technique

Everyone seems to underestimate his or her power. It just seems to be the way it is. So when I tell people about this technique, they generally respond, “It can be that easy?” But I disagree. It CAN be that easy. Simply list 10 things you want in the next week.

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How to Have a Happy Day, Every Day

Who doesn’t want to be happy—or happier, for that matter? It’s free, it feels good, it makes you live longer, it keeps you healthier, it makes you more attractive, and I would add that it literally affects what you create in your world. Happy rocks! So why is it so blasted

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