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The Map to Abundance

Boni went from living the nightmare (foreclosure and bankruptcy) to become a multi-millionaire—and she created it consciously.

The power to create anything already exists within us. You are no exception. If you can think and feel, you can learn to work with energy to create abundance. The Map to Abundance will help you take your inborn creation abilities to the next level—the fully-conscious, totally-at-your-fingertips level, where money flows like water and joy is an everyday reality.

Boni has created a literal “map” to help you change your relationship to money and abundance.


Title: The Map to Abundance
Subtitle: The No Exceptions Guide to Creating Money, Success, and Bliss
Genre: Self-help/Spirituality/New Age
ISBN: 978-1-941322-14-7
No. of pages: 492
Formats available: Paperback, Kindle, PDF
Publisher: Inner Art Inc.
Release date: October 5, 2017
Distributors: Amazon, New Leaf, DeVorss & Company
Price Paperback: $18.95


“The Map to Abundance: The No Exceptions Guide to Creating Money, Success, and Bliss” Book Awards





“The Map To Abundance The No Exceptions Guide to Creating Money, Success, and Bliss” by Boni Lonnsburry won first place in the Motivational/Inspirational category and a Merit Award in the Self-Help category in the 2018 CIPA EVVY Awards.

The CIPA EVVYs is one of the longest-running book award competitions on the Indie publishing scene, running for nearly 26 years. The annual contest receives entries from all over the world, including England, Belgium, South Africa, Russia and Dubai. CIPA EVVY entries are reviewed and scored according to established minimum criteria. Awards in each category are based on highest scores, however, in order to be eligible for 1st place, 2nd place, 3rd place, or merit award, each book must receive the minimum scoring requirements set for each award level.

– CIPA Book Awards March 2019





“The Map To Abundance: The No-Exceptions Guide To Creating Money, Success, and Bliss” by Boni Lonnsburry won a Silver Metal in the Body, Mind, and Spirit category in the 30th Annual Independent Book Publishers Association Awards.

The IBPA Benjamin Franklin Awards™, which include over fifty categories recognizing excellence in book editorial and design, are regarded as one of the highest national honors for independent publishers.

– IBPA Benjamin Franklin Awards March 2019





“The Map To Abundance: The No-Exceptions Guide To Creating Money, Success, and Bliss” by Boni Lonnsburry was a finalist in the New Age category and Best Cover Design Non-fiction in the 2018 Indie Book Awards.

The Next Generation Indie Book Awards is the largest Not-for-Profit book awards program for indie authors and independent publishers. The award was established to recognize and honor the most exceptional independently published books in over 70 different categories, for the year, and is presented by Independent Book Publishing Professionals Group ( in cooperation with Marilyn Allen of Allen O’Shea Literary Agency.

– Next Generation Indie Book Awards March 2019





“The Map To Abundance: The No-Exceptions Guide To Creating Money, Success, and Bliss” by Boni Lonnsburry was the winner in the Body/Mind/Spirit category in the 12th Annual NIEA Awards.  It also was a finalist for Book Cover Design Non-Fiction and a finalist in Self-Help: Motivational.

The National Indie Excellence® Awards (NIEA) is open to all English language printed books available for sale, including small presses, mid-size independent publishers, university presses, and self-published authors. NIEA is proud to be a champion of self-publishing and small independent presses going the extra mile to produce books of excellence in every aspect.

The National Indie Excellence® Awards March 2019


The Map to Abundance Spanish Edition

¡Toda la poderosa guía de The Map to Abundance- en español! Disponible para su compra a través de Amazon en rústica y Kindle.

¿Estás listo para cambiar tu realidad financiera… para siempre?

Existen muchos malentendidos sobre el dinero. Algunos dicen que es  el origen de todos los males. Otros lo ven como una panacea y piensan  que tenerlo arreglará todo. Y hay quien cree las dos cosas al mismo  tiempo. Pero ¿y si el dinero no fuera bueno ni malo? ¿Y si sólo fuera pura energía?

Imagina que eres capaz de crear abundancia ilimitada en todas las  áreas de tu vida. ¿Cómo sería? ¿Qué sueños y objetivos perseguirías?  ¿Qué alegrías incluirías en tu vida diaria? El poder de crear cualquier  cosa ya existe dentro de nosotros (y tú no eres la excepción), puedes aprender a trabajar con la energía para crear abundancia. El  mapa de la abundancia te ayudará a llevar tus capacidades de creación  innatas al siguiente nivel, ése donde el dinero fluye como agua y la felicidad es una realidad diaria.

¡Es hora de reclamar la vida abundante para la que naciste!

Disponible en Amazon y audiolibro en Audible.


Titulo del Libro: El Mapa de Abundancia
Subtitular: La guía esencial para crear dinero, éxito y felicidad
Género: Esfuerzo personal/Espiritualidad/Nueva era
ISBN: 978-607-317-614-9
Cantidad de Páginas: 312
Formatos Disponibles: Libro de bolsillo, Kindle, PDF
Editor: Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial
Fecha de Lanzamiento: Primera edición: febrero, 2019
Distribuidores: Amazon
Costo: $22.95


“The Map to Abundance: The No Exceptions Guide to Creating Money, Success, and Bliss” Book Awards





“The Map To Abundance The No Exceptions Guide to Creating Money, Success, and Bliss” by Boni Lonnsburry won first place in the Motivational/Inspirational category and a Merit Award in the Self-Help category in the 2018 CIPA EVVY Awards.

The CIPA EVVYs is one of the longest-running book award competitions on the Indie publishing scene, running for nearly 26 years. The annual contest receives entries from all over the world, including England, Belgium, South Africa, Russia and Dubai. CIPA EVVY entries are reviewed and scored according to established minimum criteria. Awards in each category are based on highest scores, however, in order to be eligible for 1st place, 2nd place, 3rd place, or merit award, each book must receive the minimum scoring requirements set for each award level.

– CIPA Book Awards March 2019





“The Map To Abundance: The No-Exceptions Guide To Creating Money, Success, and Bliss” by Boni Lonnsburry won a Silver Metal in the Body, Mind, and Spirit category in the 30th Annual Independent Book Publishers Association Awards.

The IBPA Benjamin Franklin Awards™, which include over fifty categories recognizing excellence in book editorial and design, are regarded as one of the highest national honors for independent publishers.

– IBPA Benjamin Franklin Awards March 2019





“The Map To Abundance: The No-Exceptions Guide To Creating Money, Success, and Bliss” by Boni Lonnsburry was a finalist in the New Age category and Best Cover Design Non-fiction in the 2018 Indie Book Awards.

The Next Generation Indie Book Awards is the largest Not-for-Profit book awards program for indie authors and independent publishers. The award was established to recognize and honor the most exceptional independently published books in over 70 different categories, for the year, and is presented by Independent Book Publishing Professionals Group ( in cooperation with Marilyn Allen of Allen O’Shea Literary Agency.

– Next Generation Indie Book Awards March 2019





“The Map To Abundance: The No-Exceptions Guide To Creating Money, Success, and Bliss” by Boni Lonnsburry was the winner in the Body/Mind/Spirit category in the 12th Annual NIEA Awards.  It also was a finalist for Book Cover Design Non-Fiction and a finalist in Self-Help: Motivational.

The National Indie Excellence® Awards (NIEA) is open to all English language printed books available for sale, including small presses, mid-size independent publishers, university presses, and self-published authors. NIEA is proud to be a champion of self-publishing and small independent presses going the extra mile to produce books of excellence in every aspect.

The National Indie Excellence® Awards March 2019

The Map

The Map, by conscious creation expert Boni Lonnsburry, is a step-by-step guide that will help you define and then build your dream life (whether you know what you want yet or not) by learning and perfecting the process of conscious creation.

You’ll discover how to flow energy toward your dreams … and stop flowing it toward your nightmares. You’ll learn how to know whether what you’re doing is working … and what to do if it’s not. And you’ll be given suggestions on exactly what to do, each and every day.

Boni has proven the principles of “conscious creation” in her own life – transforming poverty, loneliness, and despair to abundance, love and joy. The Map will be a book you’ll read over and over again because the results will be worth it.




“For the first time I GET IT! This book is such an inspiring and reality creating read. I have read other books similar to this, but this is the first one that has grabbed me by the shoulders and opened me up to a whole new level of understanding!!! I am still quite a novice in this realm, but I have taken to heart what Boni is saying and literally within hours I was seeing and receiving blessings and gifts. I have found “The Map” to be very enlightening and uplifting (in a fun and eloquent way) and would recommend it to anyone looking to recognize there potential as a divine being.”
 ~ Heidi, 5-star Amazon Reviewer

“‘The Map’ has already made its mark on me. I am a new person now, staying positive, creating my own future. It’s kind of funny but I love it, I love the idea that “my thoughts becomes my reality”. I love it a lot and I can only say thank you to the person who shared this with me, I am grateful for ‘The Map’.” ~JO via Boni’s Facebook Author Page

“I have this book and have read every page. What I know is this just like anything else in life when you are ready and willing, then change happens. This is a great book, and I have read so many of the same… The day I changed my thoughts the lights came on. I will continue to reread this book because it lifts my spirit.” ~JE via Live A Life You Love Facebook Page



Author Boni Lonnsburry has been a featured guest on

ABC Local News (Fargo, ND)

CBS Eyewitness Morning (New Orleans, LA)

Get Connected (Atlanta, GA)

Fox-8 Morning News (Greensboro, NC)

Indy Style Live (Indianapolis, IN)

Studio 10 (Tampa, FL)

3 Plus You (Chattanooga, TN)

The Morning Blend (Phoenix, AZ)

You & Me This Morning (Chicago, IL)

Boni has also been a guest on the syndicated web show


Evolve! Magazine

The Top 5 Law of Attraction Trip-Ups – How You Sabotage Your Dreams

The Law of Attraction Magazine and The Best of The Law of Attraction Magazine

How to Create Epic Love

Awareness Magazine

Interview – Sept/Oct 2013 Issue

Aquarius Magazine

7 Reasons the Law of Attraction Doesn’t Work (And How to Get It to Work)

Simple Steps – Real Change Magazine

Interview – June 2013


“The Map” Book Awards





“The Map To Our Responsive Universe – Where Dreams Really Do Come True” , best-selling book by Boni Lonnsburry, won a silver medal in the Inner Prosperity/Right Livelihood category in the 2014 Nautilus Book Awards.

The Nautilus Awards represents “Better Books for a Better World.” This unique book award program continues to gain prestige with authors and publishers around the world as it seeks, honors, awards and promotes print books that inspire and connect our lives as individuals, communities and global citizens.

– Nautilus Book Awards May 2014






“The Map To Our Responsive Universe – Where Dreams Really Do Come True” , best-selling book by Boni Lonnsburry, won first place in the New Age category in the 2014 Next Generation Indie Book Awards.

The Next Generation Indie Book Awards is the largest Not-for-Profit book awards program for indie authors and independent publishers. The award was established to recognize and honor the most exceptional independently published books in over 70 different categories, for the year, and is presented by Independent Book Publishing Professionals Group ( in cooperation with Marilyn Allen of Allen O’Shea Literary Agency.

– Next Generation Indie Book Awards May 2014






“The Map To Our Responsive Universe – Where Dreams Really Do Come True” , best-selling book by Boni Lonnsburry, won first place in the Body/Mind/Spirit category in the 2014 Reader Views Reviewers Choice Awards.

The Reader Views Reviewers Choice Awards is an annual literary award established to honor writers who self-published or had their books published by a subsidy publisher, small press, university press, or independent book publisher geared for the North American reading audience.

– Reader Views Reviewers Choice Awards March 2014


LOA Book of the Year 2013 medal




Best-selling book, “The Map To Our Responsive Universe – Where Dreams Really Do Come True” , by Boni Lonnsburry, was named Best Law Of Attraction Book 2013 by Law of Attraction Leaders.

Law Of Attraction Leaders is an organization that was created to give recognition to those who are furthering the work
of conscious creation through …

… inspiring others to practice their ability to create reality
… educating fellow co-creators in the skills of manifesting
… and through leading the way by example of what it is to be a conscious creator.

 Law Of Attraction Leader Awards, January 2014






“The Map To Our Responsive Universe – Where Dreams Really Do Come True” , best-selling book by Boni Lonnsburry, won second place in the Religious and Spirituality category in the 2014 CIPA EVVY Awards.

The Colorado Independent Publishers EVVY Award entries are judged and scored according to established minimum acceptable criteria.  Only those entries that attain the minimum acceptable score become finalists with the highest scores in each category used by the judges to help determine each category’s winners, if any. Judges are selected through CIPA’s competition judging qualification process and include teachers, business leaders, authors, critics, editors, readers and others.

– CIPA Book Awards August 2014


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“The Map To Our Responsive Universe – Where Dreams Really Do Come True” , best-selling book by Boni Lonnsburry, is a winner in the Motivational, Psychology and Women’s Health categories in the 8th annual Indie Excellence Book Awards.

The National Indie Excellence® Awards (NIEA) was created to help establish self-publishing as a proud, legitimate, and strong facet of the publishing industry. NIEA is proud to be a champion of self-publishers and small & independent presses that go the extra mile to produce books of excellence in every aspect. The National Indie Excellence® Awards is open to all English language books available for sale, including small presses, mid-size independent publishers, university presses, and self-published authors.

– Indie Excellence Book Awards May 2014


Living Now Silver Badge




“The Map To Our Responsive Universe – Where Dreams Really Do Come True” , best-selling book by Boni Lonnsburry, won the silver medal in the meditation and relaxation category for Living Now Book Awards.

The Living Now Book Awards recognize books that help readers help themselves, to learn about enriching their lives in wholesome, Earth-friendly ways. Lifestyle publishing categories such as home, health, family and personal development are the fastest-growing segments of book publishing today, and the Living Now Book Awards help demonstrate the importance of these books to readers and their vitality in the marketplace.

Living Now Book Awards, October 2013


“The Map” Book Reviews

The Edge Magazine


We live in a universe that actually wants you to “have it all”…But if you’ve been frustrated in your attempts to create the kind of life you can love — a life of boundless joy, love, and material abundance — then here at last is the missing key. The Map doesn’t just tell you what is possible in this life — it shows you, step-by-simple-step, exactly how to get from Point A (where you are) to Point B (where your greatest heartfelt dreams are found). Jam-packed with plenty of delicious detail, this “GPS to your dreams” can help you pinpoint an exact path to creating the life you were born to live, while revealing how to: Uncover your true dream – not just the one you may have “settled for” over the years Identify, root out, and reprogram any limiting beliefs that have been holding you back Know when — and how — to take action on your dreams (because taking action is the one step most “dreamers” never get to) Tell whether your desires are manifesting, or not…since it can sometimes take a while for the universe to line up everything needed for your dream to materialize, and it may appear to you that nothing’s happening (but you’ll know to watch for these signs) Be happy, no matter what – and never again be tossed around by unexpected pot-holes along the road of Life (The Map can steer you onto smoother highways every time.) Boni Lonnsburry has developed a proven, straightforward system for turning dreams into reality. She went from being broke, alone, jobless and nearly homeless…to being the owner of a multimillion-dollar business, married to the man of her dreams, and living a life she truly loves. Boni has shown thousands of people how to manifest their dreams. And now she wants to show you too, in The Map.

Tim Miejan, Editor & Publisher, The Edge: Holistic Living




“We are often our biggest obstacles in achieving that peace that we so often seek out of the world. “The Map”: To Our Responsive Universe — Where Dreams Really Do Come True!” is an inspirational and spiritual read from Boni Lonnsburry who encourages people to find out their true dream, overcome negative beliefs, and manifest everything they need to be truly happy. A roadmap to transform dreams into reality, “The Map” is an insightful and uplifting read for those seeking inspiration, highly recommended.”

Midwest Book Review The Self Help Shelf 



“The Map – Review by Martha A. Cheves, Author of Stir, Laugh, Repeat; Think With Your Taste Buds

…There are plenty of people who have tons of money but it’s never enough…they are never satisfied, never secure and they never feel truly abundant.

There are people who have the spouse, but not the trust, the support, the respect and the ever-deepening love.

There are people who have careers that they thought would make them happy, but they don’t feel free, creative and excited and they aren’t having fun.

The things are not what bring you the essence (the wonderful, positive feeling states).  The essence (the wonderful positive feelings state is what brings you the things…

By now I’m sure you’re asking yourself, what exactly does this have to do with a Map?  Well, The Map isn’t just any map.  It’s not one that you can use to map out a trip, or is it?  Actually the answer is yes and no.  You won’t find the highway numbers, little towns and cities you’ll travel through nor your mileage distance but you will find your destination and how to get there.  Through following the instructions given in The Map you don’t create your ‘wish’ list you create your ‘intent’ list.  And this goes for everything from relationships to jobs to cars, to travel and to everything in between.   How?  You ask and then believe.  Now that doesn’t mean half-heartedly believe.  You must truly believe.   You must want it strong enough that it is no longer a wish but an intent.  Again, how?  The Map will map the way for you to have what you intend to have simply by following it’s steps and believing in your own self.

Does this work?  A couple years ago I wanted to take a trip to Utah.  I lived there a couple years when I was a child and wanted to see if my childhood memories were real or just made up by my mind over the years.  Now, how to I afford a trip like this?  I thought about it and thought about it and became determined, or should I say intent, upon making this trip.  Then it hit me.  I was a smoker for 44 years.  If I quit smoking I could easily afford this trip.  I had tried to quit smoking a hundred times and nothing seemed to work but I was determined to make this trip.  Through my intent to quit smoking and my intent to make this trip I did both!  And in the long run I did even more that made me very happy.  I gave up something that was harmful to my health, I made the trip, I saw relatives that I had not seen in 50 years and will probably never see again, but the biggest accomplishment was that when I became intent on that one trip I proved to myself that I can do and have anything if I really put my mind to it and make it an intent instead of a wish.  So, since reading The Map I’ve ‘mapped’ out other intents that I have all the confidence that I will acquire along the way.”

Martha A. Cheves via A Book and a Dish


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“First, a big thank you to Boni Lonnsburry for sending me a copy of her book, The Map.

Boni knows a thing or two about the Law of Attraction. She has, after all, used it to go from being broke, alone, unemployed and nearly homeless…to owning a multi-million dollar business, having the relationship of her dreams, and living a life many people would envy. The Map lets you in on Boni’s secret to having it all.

And she succeeds. Boni has created a clear and simple step-by-step method to get you where from you are at now to where you’re living your dream life.

The Map contains many of the concepts I’ve written about, and is filled with great examples and explanations to help you put what you learn into practice.

There are nuggets of wisdom spread throughout the book…from helping you to really get clear on what you want to manifest and why you want it…to tools to make it easier for your intentions to become a reality.

Boni does a great job explaining how to recognize the signs that your intention is manifesting. She provides a lot of insight and concrete suggestions to help ensure that you not only don’t miss them, but also how you can use the signs to speed up the Law of Attraction. This might be the best part of the book!

The Map is filled with a lot of techniques you can use right away – from focusing on the present to releasing resistance. There are even techniques for dealing with those little fears and doubts that crop up.

With The Map, you don’t need to wonder when or how to take action on your dreams. Clear guidance is given for helping you know when to act.

When you read The Map, you will notice that it starts slowly, but the book certainly picks up steam and delivers a powerful message.

It’s clear that Boni put a lot of time and thought into writing, The Map. Just as the name implies, it gives you a map to follow so that you can create your dream life.”

Elizabeth via Apply the Law of Attraction


“The Map” Reader Feedback


“I love this book. It makes me feel good every time I pick it up to read from it. I would recommend it to everyone who would like to feel better about their own life.”

Alexandra W. Carder via 3/25/2014


“Buying this book changed my life!!! Much thanks and endless gratitude.”

BI via LALYL Facebook page 3/21/2014


“Because of you my husband just completed his first book! We understand the focus needed! He is beginning his second now and we have a third planned already! And it all started because one late night I “accidentally” found ‘The Map’! We are forever grateful!”

CO via Boni’s Facebook Author Page 3/18/2014


“I don’t even remember how I found Boni’s blog, but I’ve been following her with excitement through Facebook, emails, and unseen friend messages. I downloaded ‘The Map’ in the beginning of January, when she offered it for free, and I knew immediately it can change the world. I wanted everyone to know about and to use ‘The Map’, so I started telling all my friends about it and decided to give it to as many people as I can. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!”

SD via Emails to Boni 3/11/2014


“I am still working through the book but so far the results are fascinating to me. I am taking my time with this book.”

Cynthia L. Nichols via 3/10/2014


“I’ve only had it less than a month and already changing my life for the better!! Thank you!! This book has become my new best friend!!!”

MEB via LALYL Facebook page 3/7/2014


“I’m a great fan of this type of book… creating one’s own reality… affirming… manifesting and the like…. and this is definitely one of the better ones I’ve ever read. Definitely give it a try, you’ll like it and gain a lot of useful information from it.”

Jane Maccarter via 3/7/2014


“Thank you for writing ‘The Map’. A friend bought a copy for me as a gift, and such a gift it has been in my life! Thank you for offering your wisdom, insight, and experience. You have made a difference.”

SWB via Emails to Boni 3/2/2014


“Working through the steps of this book during a break up, a move, and finding new love. It has been so very helpful in guiding me back to finding myself, discovering who I am on my own, and in building MY future MY way.”

Erin via 2/27/2014


“I would recommend this book to anyone that wants to REALLY change their beliefs, for those that have known about the Law of Attraction for some time that are stuck in manifesting the big stuff (wealth, true love, and big dreams). I believe Boni has gone deeply into why so many of us don’t manifest and how to really look at our beliefs in detail and change them, really change them.

One of the best books I have ever read. I am so grateful you wrote this Boni, especially for those of us who want to really look at ourselves.”

Agnes Vivarelli via 2/24/2014


“I am reading this now for the second time and getting almost as much out of it as the first time. The author describes an interesting process for creating a more positive life for the reader. She does mention that it takes a bit of work, and it does, but the journey is fun and interesting and I have learned a lot about myself through her techniques. An excellent complement to other law of attraction creating approaches.”

H. Heuser via 2/23/2014


“I received my copy of ‘The Map’ yesterday. I read it cover to cover in less than 4 hours. As I read yesterday, I did the first 2 exercises, I was soooo excited I couldn’t sleep, so I started reading it over again, OMG!! I have to say, I really did not know just how hurt my 5 year old ME really was until this morning, had a good cry, and gave her a HUGE hug and told her I’d be back to check on her, but there were a few things I needed to do first….. WOW!! Is all I can say!!! Thank you for this book, Boni, its already changing my life!!!”

MEB via LALYL Facebook page 2/20/2014


“Awesome book. This book was a great find and a more interesting read. One of my intentions is happening as we speak.”

Karly via 2/18/2014


“I know we need to do this (love yourself) but sometimes it’s so difficult! Especially when we look at how we mismanaged our lives in so many ways. Thanks to ‘The Map’, I at least have the tools to work on it. Thank you, Boni.”

RBJ via Boni’s Facebook Author Page 2/14/2014


“YAY just ordered a copy of your book, after reading the e-book for the 4th time. Keep up the great work Boni.”

AD via LALYL Facebook page 2/12/2014


“It is so easy to read and understand. I started using the concepts since January 6th and can feel a difference already! This book is just what I needed to change my life around this year!”

L. King via 2/6/2014


“This book came to me during a very difficult transitional period in my life and has given me the direction to realize that what happened was based on my needs for change and growth.

With Boni’s careful direction in ‘The Map’, I have been able to set up clear intentions, work on the elimination of negatives in my belief system and have learned to direct my energy into positive forces and thoughts that are resulting in greater inner peace, less stress and some exciting adventures.

The best part is that I have quit struggling to control everything and by letting things fall into place naturally, or as she puts it, with ease and elegance, if is by far, the easier way to go!

I’m looking forward to a great new year and am keeping this book on my nightstand for reference daily, as needed.”

Cathy Messenger via 2/6/2014


“I was a little skeptical before purchasing this book. Someone recommended it to me. But after reading it and undertaking some of the exercises I would recommend this book to anyone who is ready for their life to change. You have to be mindfully prepared and open to the enormous possibilities that your life can have. You have to be ready to do the work. The steps are laid out in a simple format, but it takes time, belief and dedication. And you have to know that it is a never ending process by which your life just gets better and better. I am a work in progress, but ‘The Map’ is helping to guide me to my best life. Thanks Boni for dedicating a large portion of your life and experiences to this book. It is concise and easy to read. Your seminar is next on my list :-)”

Patricia A. Moss via 2/6/2014


“This awesome, beautifully written guide to a life of adventure, joy, possibilities and, yes for me, miracles is one of the best ever. I can say this because I have read many self-help and spiritual books and from experience, what this earth angel shares through her magical words I know to be true. As a matter of fact I could not wait to finish reading it so that I could start again. Thank you for the opportunity to express what comes from my heart…much GRATITUDE.”

Carmen Balko via 2/5/2014


 “Do you know what road to take in your life? Are you always sure about whether it is right or left or straight ahead? And what if you take the wrong road? ‘The Map’ is an easy reading book with useful information for those who search for.”

Marjolein van der Vegt via 2/3/2014


“I loved ‘The Map’. It was easy to follow and took me deeper than any other book I have read on this subject (and I have read many!). The most helpful areas for me were discovering and changing my current beliefs and also how to flow energy toward what I want. Because of Boni’s book, I finally found the courage to self-publish my own! I continue to use her easy to follow exercises and am amazed as I sit back and watch wonderful things manifest in my life! Thank you for sharing your Light Boni.”

Tamara Lynn via 2/3/2014


“It is amazing!!!!! I have read many books like this. This one is very easy to follow! I love it!”

Angel Maner via 2/1/2014


“The title of this book is so befitting! The book is indeed a map to creating the life you want to live. It is the HOW TO of the secret, and other universal laws. Boni shows you how to do “the work” required to manifest what you desire, from the highs to the lows. Highs meaning thinking through how you want to feel and lows, being uncovering those core beliefs that block the flow of creating what we truly want and learning to talk to our many inner selves that contribute to those core beliefs and other thinking that prevent what we want. I absolutely LOVE this book. I study with it. It’s an easy read with easy language and it’s fun and entertaining. This book is like conscious creation for dummies.”

Yen via 1/31/2014


“For the first time I GET IT! This book is such an inspiring and reality creating read. I have read other books similar to this, but this is the first one that has grabbed me by the shoulders and opened me up to a whole new level of understanding!!! I am still quite a novice in this realm, but I have taken to heart what Boni is saying and literally within hours I was seeing and receiving blessings and gifts. I have found ‘The Map’ to be very enlightening and uplifting (in a fun and eloquent way) and would recommend it to anyone looking to recognize there potential as a divine being.”

Heidi via 1/31/2014


“I really enjoyed this book. I have read other books on the subject including many by Jane Roberts and Seth. I think ‘The Map’ follows the same principles but does so in an easy to understand way and gives you specifics for focusing on what you wish to create. Who wouldn’t love Ms. Lonnsburry’s friendly manner of presentation as if she is right there, teaching you herself. Also enjoy her Facebook page and the encouragement I receive via her company’s e-mails to me. Keep up the good work. I recommended this to friends and they too are enjoying it and learning from this book and positive thinking.”

Mary Hamilton via 1/31/2014


“Great book to start the thought process. A lot to take in for the beginner, but food for thought and really enlightening. Try it, it will change your life!”

Andrea via 1/30/2014


“‘The Map’ has already had its mark on me. I am a new person now, staying positive, creating my own future. It’s kind of funny but I love it, I love the idea that “my thoughts becomes my reality”. I love it a lot and I can only say thank you to the person who shared this with me, I am grateful for ‘The Map’.”

JO via Boni’s Facebook Author Page 1/29/2014


 “This book is so simple to understand and truly does change the way you think about life and the world.”

T. Moon via 1/29/2014


“Love it (‘The Map’)! It was awesome! A truly inspired and blessed read! Thank you!”

AF via Boni’s Facebook Author Page 1/26/2014


“I love it (‘The Map’)! I have implemented it in my daily life. I feel like a totally different person, deep inside I am more self-motivated to live life, joyous, happy and am living a positive life.”

JO via Boni’s Facebook Author Page 1/26/2014


“Love it… awesome read!!!”

LSP via LALYL Facebook page 1/23/2014


“I have this book and have read every page. What I know is this just like anything else in life when you are ready and willing then change happens. This is a great book, and I ready so many of the same… The day I changed my thoughts the lights came on. I will continue to reread this book because it lifts my spirit.”

JE via LALYL Facebook page 1/23/2014


“This is a hand book for life. If your goal is to ‘Create the life you want to live’, this book is a must read!”

James E Banasiak via 1/23/2014


“It’s a practical, no nonsense way of focusing on your goals and actually putting things in place to achieve them.”

Ann Murphy via 1/22/2014


“Author is grounded, which is important when writing about spiritual topics, I would say that in some crucial areas of my life these techniques presented in this book work amazingly well. I also hope that my long term projects will also be successful.”

Marcin via 1/22/2014


“One week after finishing ‘The Map’, I was on a first-class flight to Dubai. I stayed at amazing hotels and had the time of my life. Now I’m re-reading it and tweaking my ideas of what matters in life and how I can make a positive impact in the lives of friends, family, and strangers. Dubai was fun, but I know more rewarding and meaningful things lay ahead!!

Boni Lonnsburry does an incredible job of laying out the framework for creating a reality you love. It’s fun to read, and fun to follow. It really is easy, effortless, and EFFECTIVE!! I’ve bought a copy for nearly everyone I know, and I carry my copy around with me everywhere (currently on the third reading). It’s changed my life and is a great, great book.”

Alexandra Burguieres via 1/21/2014


“I would recommend this book to everyone. It is an amazing read. It is nice to feel in charge of your future.”

P. Menendez via 1/21/2014


“I have read the book, and reading it again, and taking your class. I loved listening to you on the show, the energy in your voice was magical. I someday wish to teach like you with the energy you have.”

MH via The Map Facebook page 1/20/2014


“I love this book!!!”

CCC via The Map Facebook page 1/19/2014


“Helpful thoughts and actions to begin exposing the real you that has always been and will always be. Great read.”

Darren Christianson via 1/19/2014


“I can’t believe I’m writing to you, as your book has honestly changed my life. After I read it and felt the results, I bought a copy for my mom, my sister, and some of my friends as well!

One week after finishing The Map, I was on a first-class flight to Dubai. I stayed at amazing hotels and had the time of my life. Now I’m re-reading it and tweaking my ideas of what matters in life and how I can make a positive impact in the lives of friends, family, and strangers. Dubai was fun, but I know more rewarding and meaningful things lay ahead!!”

AB via Boni’s Facebook Author Page 1/18/2014


“‘The Map’ is everything it says it is. The book is amazing and gives very specific help to moving toward a life of your dreams. The author doesn’t just say you can have a more amazing life. She really gives a map to reaching goals and getting rid of the rubbish from the past in order to get there.


My appreciation goes out to her and all her helpers and guides.”

Saintedcajun via 1/17/2014


“I am reading your book. I have not even finished it yet, but have been practicing what you wrote. It works…in fact, it works remarkably well…already now! Thank you ever so much Boni.”

CA via LALYL Facebook page 1/14/2014


“Dearest Boni, I could quite easily spend an hour or two praising you and your work. I am currently reading ‘The Map’ (up to page 257) and joyfully implementing the techniques. I am already noticing changes and seeing the universe respond in very small ways but it is beautiful to see.

The only real words I have are Thank you, truly from my heart thank you… I do not have the words to describe my gratitude. Love and light to you your family and all those on the path.”

AD via Boni’s Facebook Author Page 1/13/2014


“Although I know about positive affirmations, thinking positive and the Law of Attraction…I just couldn’t seem to put it all together! Some pieces were making sense, but I felt something was missing. That something was Boni’s gift… ‘The Map’. She writes from her heart, shares her own journey and then provides a step-by-step guide to help you create a life you’ll love! I’m on my second reading and am truly discovering, through Boni’s magic, my own. I’m finally understanding how to set my intentions, rid myself of beliefs that don’t serve me and raise my own vibration. I’m not only learning to expect, but am already beginning to see my dreams come true. Not only has her book been a gift for myself, but I’ve already given my friends the gift of her book and Conscious Creation Cards…they are loving her gifts too!

Thank you again Boni for bringing light to my world:)”

Bonnie Compton via 1/11/2014


“I am really enjoying this book. It makes complete sense and I plan on doing all the exercises daily. I think the book outlines great exercises.”

A. Hoelting via 1/11/2014


“Only half way through The Map and I have been creating on a daily basis…I have even seen things in motion and some successes already. Thank you for sharing your inspiration with the world.”

WBR via LALYL Facebook page 1/10/2014


“I am reading this book for the third time. I never do that. But after going through it slowly and doing the exercises, I started noticing first little, then huge changes in my life. This book made me aware of my unconscious beliefs, and daily actions based on those beliefs, that were limiting my happiness, health, and prosperity. The books wisdom and format has re-trained my mind and subsequent actions that have now created the life I want to be experiencing. I am re- reading it, and likely will reread it for the rest of my life as it uncovers new layers of my unconscious each time. All I can say is everyone in my family, including kids, and my friends have received it from me. It’s the best gift you could give anyone!”

Carla Johnson via 1/7/2014


“Love ‘The Map’, my identical twin is now reading it as I forwarded it to her! Thanks for this encouragement!”

K via Emails to Boni 1/7/2014


“Thanks a lot for the book. It’s a great help. Thank you.”

VB via LALYL Facebook page 1/7/2014


“Thanks! It’s an amazing book!”

SB via LALYL Facebook page 1/6/2014


“I tell everyone about your book. Bless you for sharing your knowledge.”

DM via LALYL Facebook page 1/6/2014


“Thank you for the gift “The Map” e-book, I shall enjoy sitting down and reading it and taking on board all the valuable information you have shared with me.”

AJ via Emails to Boni 1/6/2014


“Hello Boni, I bought your book, ‘The Map’, yesterday. I so LOVE it. It is exactly what I needed now. Thank you.”

CA via Boni’s Facebook Author Page 1/4/2014


“Thank you for ‘The Map,’ which I am thoroughly enjoying. I have always believed that we create what comes into our lives, but I wasn’t mature enough to control my thoughts until I was a senior citizen.”

MW via Boni’s Facebook Author Page 1/4/2014


“Bought it a couple of weeks ago and am about halfway through! Very empowering and insightful!! Love it. Can’t wait to start on the lessons!”

SEL via LALYL Facebook page 1/3/2014


“I love your book too, had it before I had found you here, feel better every day with all the positive reinforcement on Facebook!!!”

JB via Boni’s Facebook Author Page 1/3/2014


“Thank you Boni! This is great! I love having an e-copy!!!”

MC via Boni’s Facebook Author Page 1/3/2014



“Boni, how lovely! ‘The Map’ was one of my favorite books of 2013! Thank you!”

MR via Boni’s Facebook Author Page 1/3/2014


“Boni, I’ve read and love your book! Super excited and can’t wait to talk with you on Wholehearted Parenting Radio!”

BC via Boni’s Facebook Author Page 1/3/2014


“Hi, I just knew about your book… it came to me in a perfect timing, super amazing. I’m just starting to read, I always read about it but your approach makes more sense to me, feel to create. I’m starting but loving it. I’ll let you know after I follow ‘The Map’. I already shared with all my friends. Hope they are ready and enjoy it.

Have you considered publishing in Portuguese? I believe it would be a bestseller here in Brazil.

Thank you for now! You literally gave me ‘The Map’ I was looking for!!!”

LC via Emails to Boni 1/3/2014


“Thanks Boni for the book, but mostly for all you do!!!”

LT via LALYL Facebook page 1/2/2014


“One must read the book. It’s very nice book.”

AR via LALYL Facebook page 1/1/2014


“Whoop! Whoop! Your book and your teleseminar were life changers for me. Many thanks to you Boni!!”

WP via Boni’s Facebook Author Page 1/1/2014


“I gave several books as Christmas gifts. My 12 year old niece is fascinated by it. I keep manifesting and will be in Paris for most of the month of January.”

PJM via The Map Facebook page 12/30/2013


“Inspiring! I read a lot of self-help books but this one really hit home for me. Thank you Boni for sharing your gifts and helping me do the same.”

Therasa via 12/28/2013


“Boni, I want to thank you for your help in my journey of loving myself. You have inspired me & given me new-found strength. I am truly learning to love myself after 37 years having not an inkling of self-love or self-acceptance. I appreciate you and all for which you stand.”

JW via Boni’s Facebook Author Page 12/25/2013


“The Map: To Our Responsive Universe-Where Dreams Really Do Come True by Boni Lonnsburry takes on the theme of achieving personal dreams through the perspective of a GPS to your soul. The following are some of the novel ideas in the book:

Discussion on antidotes for certain emotions such as the need to control one’s inner and outer world(pages 116-117), guilt (pages 123-124), and shame (pages 125-126).

Ways to work with and bring in harmony your child, adolescent, adult self, and “dark (negative) side (pages 126-145).

Page 169-How What Others Create Can Also Be a Sign Of A Man Or Woman’s personal belief system. For instance, the author gives an example of how what Mary and George see in the way their friends/family/acquaintances create their relationships and money are actually spiritual reflections of what they personally believe as well.

Pages 203-228-Ways To Channel Energy Toward personal dreams such as the “Make The Movie” real technique.

Pages 253-287: Ways To Tell when your dream is about to come true and much more insightful information.

Pages 273-274: How A Negative Sign can sometimes be a blessing in disguise.

Pages 355-357: Letter To Your Future Self and pages 359-360: Requests To Your Higher Self (a man or woman’s soul/spirit).”

marriedutopianstriver “Seeker Of Heaven On Earth” via 12/25/2013


“Wanted to tell you thank you, yet again! My intentions have been manifested again. Out of the blue I am fortunate to attend a week long writers retreat at Hedgebrook on Whidbey Island, Washington state. The master teacher was Dani Shapiro, a memoirist and best-selling author! So cool! Thank you!”

BH via Boni’s Facebook Author Page 12/20/2013


“This book explained things clearly, step by step, with practical applications. Very easy to understand and follow. I will read this book again and again.”

Crystal via 12/13/2013


“I wanted to find out if Boni can call into our book club we are covering the book over 6 sessions and have just started with the first four chapters. I gave the book to several people I know I think it’s the best primer and action guide for LOA principals.”

TM via Emails to Boni 12/11/2013


“Boni, I love your book!”

BC via Boni’s Facebook Author Page 12/10/2013


“Yes! If not TODAY- then WHEN – will you start creating the life you want? ‘The Map’ helped me clarify that my life and dreams are being created in every moment. WHEN is NOW, whether you like it or not. My new daily wake-up call! This awareness is a new muscle I have been slowly building moment by moment and it’s shifting my life. Thank you Boni!”

CJ via LALYL Facebook page 12/2/2013


“I’ve read the book twice, and sections of it often … anxious now for the audio version. 2014 will be a year of concentrated creation and change.”

CSM via LALYL Facebook page 11/30/2013


“I am very thankful for your book and the positive influence and intention creating it has provided in my life. My life was pretty good but now it is awesome! Thanks for your role in it through ‘The Map’.”

BH via Boni’s Facebook Author Page 11/27/2013


“A fantastic book!”

PG via LALYL Facebook page 11/18/2013


“Grateful for you, Boni, for this book and the continual inspiration that you provide!”

CSM via LALYL Facebook page 11/16/2013


“I’ve almost finished reading your book, ‘The Map: To Our Responsive Universe…’ and have really been enjoying it. Firstly, I found it useful to know you can set out intentions that aren’t too definite when it comes to career as a starting point and then when you know more about what you want, you can become more specific. I also like how with money, you can – according to your book – word things in such a way to attract abundance, without being particularly specific.”

 SW via Emails to Boni 11/15/2013


“This book is a detailed manual that will help you assess your beliefs and systematically recreate beliefs that will propel you towards your aspirations. If you have ever been curious about the law of attraction and would like a guide to create your reality, this book is for you! It is a fun an inspiring book that gives you many opportunities to align with your higher self and all the unseen tools at your disposal to create a more satisfying reality. Thank you, Boni for all of your wisdom!”

Amanda DiMartini via 11/5/2013


“I love the concept that we create our own life. Very much like “The Secret” and “E Squared.” But Lonnsburry goes further by giving directions on how to do it consciously. I bought a copy for each of my children. The author has a great, down to earth style. Loved the book.”

Sharon Harris via 11/1/2013


“I’ve been very inspired by ‘The Map’ and have greatly enjoyed the website.  My mother sent me the San Diego Awareness magazine (I’m in Springfield, Missouri) and through that I discovered ‘The Map’ and website.  Thanks for the inspiration!”

AD via Emails to Boni 10/29/2013


“Just want to say I cannot put “The Map” down! I have been doing the exercises (several of them many times over) and it has been such a great release and process of discovery of who I am, and helped me gain insight into ways of forgiving those who are no longer in my life. What a great book!”

JK via Emails to Boni 10/21/2013


“This is a good book that I read and gave as a gift to a friend who was new to the art of intentional creation. This book is not only pleasant to read, but it’s filled with lots of helpful advice for manifesting the life of your dreams. Its basic theme is that we create our own reality based upon the quality of our thoughts. Review written by Eddie Coronado, author of the Kindle and paperback book “Manifest Your Millions: A Lottery Winner Shares his Law of Attraction Secrets””

Edward F. Coronado Jr. via 10/17/2013


“My persistence to “keep on keepin’ on!”, as they say, that is my gift! Had pity party yesterday and within a few minutes I said no…get up and out heading outside for a walk thinking “Am I making the right choices? Am I supposed to being doing this? Universe, give me a sign! I don’t have anyone in my corner! What should I do? What am I doing? ” I then let it go, walking faster, when I noticed my shoe untied. The minute I stopped, something hit me in the head! All of a sudden a purple pom-pom on a purple stick fell to the ground! Okay, seriously, it must have been stuck in the tree & with the beach wind, it came loose and the precise time I walked by….coincidence. Pom poms don’t just fall out of the sky!!! I picked it up and laughed because I said well, there’s my sign! Pom poms from above, cheering me on! I brought it home and it is now perched near my vision board! Yay! Persistence is really my intention to keep taking actions – my future life is just waiting for me to show up!”

KK via The Map Facebook page 10/15/2013


“I used to think I was at a disadvantage, because I was not so visual. Now, I know better from what I’ve learned in ‘The Map’, I have an advantage, because I am a feeler!”

TL via The Map Facebook page 10/15/2013


“I received an email from my soul today. It spoke of a dream I didn’t think was happening fast enough and I was feeling let down, as if it wasn’t ever going to happen. It went on to use the words NOW over and over. My dream is to own a retail store. Its name is NOW. (Needs or Wants) Boutique. I have the llc and trade name, ein, etc. My hardest part is finding merchandise. In fact I took money from my store fund yesterday to pay household bills. I am so grateful for the miracle of ‘The Map’! Every email I receive speaks truly to me at that moment. You are a huge blessing to my husband and me as well as our family. Thank you!”

                                                                                                                  CO via Boni’s Facebook Author Page 10/15/2013


“Well yesterday I officially hired my book cover designer and filed my articles of incorporation. I will be self-publishing “The Haiku Path”. Today I take a deep breath and TRUST and wait for further direction. Thank you for ‘The Map’ Boni. It has been so helpful in birthing this dream that has been in my heart for 12 years. I will be forever grateful to you.”

TR via The Map Facebook page 10/10/2013


“This book has opened a portal to real miracles for me. It’s like flipping a switch! We have all done these techniques but order is important. I think if you combine this with tapping (E.F.T.) you have a very powerful formula for unstoppable happiness and a true heaven on earth designed by you!”

Mary Latini via 10/10/2013


“You are the only one that can change your universe. This step by step will tell you how. First what is it that you really want? ‘The Map’ will help you get there.”

Jeri Lynn Arredondo via 10/9/2013


“I tell people about ‘The Map’ all the time!! I even bought it for my 23 year old son, he loves it as well!! Thanks for inspiring me!”

KLY via LALYL Facebook page 10/8/2013


“Congrats! Fabulous book, fabulous author!” (in response to silver medal award)

CDV via The Map Facebook page 10/7/2013


“Congratulations!!! SO grateful for your work!” (in response to silver medal award)

SG via The Map Facebook page 10/7/2013


“‘The Map’ is truly AMAZING!! THANK YOU BONI! We really DO CREATE IT ALL! If you have not read this book yet, well, it’s time that you do!”

CM via LALYL Facebook Page 10/5/2013


“The book explains its methods in a clear and precise manner. I have not finished the whole book yet, but enjoy reading it.”

Dawn via 10/3/2013


“Thank you Boni. I’m doing belief work every day, and it is amazing!! I can’t imagine that it would ever stop.” (In response to ‘The Map” webinar post)

SGH via Boni’s Facebook Author Page 9/30/2013


“This book was very inspiring. I haven’t started the exercises yet, but I am tonight. I thought I should read the whole book first. This is the first self-help book I’ve been excited about in a long time and I’ve read many. Thank you so much, I know I’m going to enjoy joy the journey.”

Kenneth Harp via 9/26/2013


“Thank you:) Your book is why I realized there’s no way around resistance.”

SS via The Map Facebook Page 9/23/2013


“I received this book in very good condition. I’ve been wanting to read it for some time now. I associate a lot with The Secret writing and it has made a change in my life.”

Margaret Berger via 9/21/2013


“I love ‘The Map’! I am so looking forward to the webinar!”

AM via LALYL Facebook Page 9/19/2013


“I am reading & studying ‘The Map’ for the second time. Awesome content Boni! Thank you!!”

ARD via LALYL Facebook Page 9/19/2013


“I got “The Map” and am reading it, now on Chapter 3, also taking notes.  While I’m reading it, I feel my energy shifting already.  There are aspects I could greatly improve on and am looking forward to manifesting a life that I am meant to live.   One thing that stands out for me from your book is when you said ‘If you don’t have a very clear goal or not clear about what it is I want, focus on how you want to feel.’  That helped shift a huge part of my brain!!!! 🙂  Some days, I am not very crystal clear as to what I want but I most certainly know how I want to feel.”

G via Emails to Boni 9/19/2013


“I do believe some of my true beliefs are rooted very deeply and may need more work to change. I think I will read “The Map” again and start fresh. Maybe work on one area at a time instead of three.”

KC via Emails to Boni 9/18/2013


“I have read many a book on the LoA, so no shocking new truths were revealed, but Boni has a way of explaining things that sticks better than other authors do, which will just make it more likely to put this fascinating law into practice. Very enjoyable read!”

Ireland via 9/17/2013


“I truly believe we bring elements into our lives to learn and grow.  They provide opportunities to deal with issues that must be dealt with in order to progress and this circumstance is no different.  As stressful as it is, it is also showing me what and how to move beyond where I am and to heal aspects of my life that are still damaged.  So, when I wrote, I was at a very low point.  Yet, all the tools that are available, many from Boni’s book ‘The Map’, have helped me so much.  It’s an on-going process.  I am grateful to have this chance to heal myself.”

GB via Emails to Boni 9/14/2013


“I live in a typical suburban, single family home neighborhood. You know, the ones that have houses that back up to each other, and you have only a 5 foot high fence separating your yard from your neighbors’ yard. I love my house, I love my neighborhood … I did NOT love my neighbors. All of the people who live on each side of our home are wonderful – but the ones behind us are not wonderful. Let me clarify, they were decent people – waved when they saw us out, and mainly kept to themselves. It was their two dogs that were the problem. The home they live in is a rental. These folks were rarely home (which is usually awesome right?)but their two dogs were ALWAYS home … and ALWAYS outside. Now, I live in Colorado so the summers get blazing hot, and the winters are frigid cold. Not always ideal conditions for a small terrier type dog, and a giant husky. Well, the husky loved the cold, but the heat was dangerous for this fur covered dog. These poor dogs live in that backyard 24/7. That said, they got bored – so they would bark, and yap, and if we went in our yard, they would run over to the fence and jump all over it. The husky was so tall I would see his face squarely when he would jump up! This would happen several times a day. I have a 3 year old that is in the yard whenever he can escape out there, and these dogs would go NUTS when he was out there. One day I peered over the fence to see what kind of damage they were doing to our shared fence, and I was horrified. There were scratch marks digging into the wood and literally shredding it to pieces. This was not good news. I wanted to change this situation – and as fast as possible. That is when I set the intention that I needed new neighbors. Neighbors with no dogs, or if they did have dogs, non-wreckless dogs with good dog owners who took good care of them. I got my husband on board – two energies toward a like intention means quicker results right? Our intention was set and we would talk about how it would be when our new neighbors would move in, and how quiet it would be in our yard, and how our fence would stay standing with no cost to us to replace it. Mind you, we didn’t know what the lease agreement was for this house behind us so we didn’t have any idea if they had signed on to live there for many years or one or 10! After about 2 months of being consistent on this intention, we walked out in our yard one evening to see the backyard totally clean (and quiet), all the blinds drawn in the house and a cleaning crew inside tidying up. I shouted inside to my husband to take a glimpse at what I thought to be a vacant house behind us. Confirmed… it was empty and they were gone. We flowed energy toward the intention of getting tenants behind us that were pleasant, clean, and good dog owners if they had them (preferably they had none, remember?). Three days later we watched new neighbors move in behind us… and to our delight, NO DOGS! We had done it… we created new neighbors – and they are exactly what we ordered!”

Anonymous via’s INSPIRE page 9/11/2013


“For the past few years I got the idea that I had to own a pair of pearl earrings. I always felt that they looked classy and elegant and would help add to my wardrobe. I just couldn’t bring myself to spend the money on them since there are so many other things that seem to take precedence. I still thought about them and could picture them on my ears. One day I got a postcard in the mail from a jewelry store stating “Happy Anniversary, Bring in this card for your free pair of pearl earrings to celebrate” I still couldn’t believe it. What was the catch? A couple weeks later I went to the mall, took in my card and presented it to the salesman. He wished me Happy Anniversary and handed me a red velvet bag with a pair of beautiful white pearls. As I walked out the door I couldn’t be more excited. They were finally on my ears…no catch, no sales pitch. Just a “Smile & Happy Anniversary”.”

S. via’s INSPIRE page 9/11/2013


“Like so many Americans, I was upside down in my mortgage. SO upside down I didn’t think I’d ever dig my way out. And then, I wanted to move out of state. “Now what?” I thought. How can I move when I owe so much money? I had a first and second loan with a 3 party investor. I consulted with an attorney who said, “There is not way the bank that held the 2nd will forgive the loan. They will either want a lot of money or hold me responsible for the term of the loan. I decided to let the universe figure that one out. I flowed energy towards my move and a happy resolution with the house. It took twists and turns I couldn’t have imagined. I found the perfect buyer, I received approval from the bank that held the first, and today, the bank that held the 2nd called, and they have forgiven the debt totally and I do not have to pay them a cent. How did this happen? Magic. THIS is the way the universe works. I believed it could happen. I imagined it happening. And it happened!”

Anonymous via’s INSPIRE page 9/11/2013


“Love your work. Always good advice with pure intention.”

SHB via LALYL Facebook Page 9/10/2013


“This books a bit more in depth than the secret, this basically teaches you new beliefs to create a new way of life.”

Camille Clarke via 9/9/2013


“This book is amazing! I usually read about a book a day so to say this is the best book I’ve ever read means something! If you want the truth out of life and the healing and the creation it’s all laid out here step by step. It is truly a detailed powerful Map! I am so GRATEFUL to have found it. And am more Grateful it was written in the first place. My life is changing thanks to this book…what more can I say. I would have given it 10 stars if I could.”

Margaret Wauer via 9/9/2013


“Boni, Thank you for sharing this. This article really helped me understand the process … I will now be able to get back to reading your book with much greater understanding!!! It was a serious “ah-ha” moment for me, this article. It was your personal example/story of your experience that made the light bulb go on! Thank you, thank you!!! I was having trouble following your book and had put it down. Now I can pick it up again with MUCH greater understanding!”

SSW via Boni’s Facebook Author Page 9/5/2013


“Thank you for writing ‘The Map’.”

SSE via Boni’s Facebook Author Page 9/1/2013


“Hi. It is New age and is like what Adam and Eve did in the garden of Eden. Christians may do many of the things but use different words than she does, but the goal she says to be happy 100% of the time which will manifest your dreams. I think the goal on earth is to learn to love and give glory to God. It is like she is saying how to pray, but in New age way…but it doesn’t consider God’s will, but own dreams which she says are God’s dreams for us. I agree to not doubt/know/have no fear and more which are also in the Bible. It is like New age is discovering the Bible way works. Let go and more. She gives great detail in how to do this more than other books. How to stay happy so you can manifest…go into nature/music etc. To me it is promoting the Bible way but in New age words. I still think when we align with God then prayers answer faster instead of being blind to God’s will and just trying to do our will. She does mention to ask for guidance…but I really don’t know I want to ask spirit guides instead of God. I think Jesus saves…helps us when we can’t do it all by ourselves and reconnects us to God. To me we didn’t forget but the connection was broken. We can reconnect and ask the Holy spirit to come into us which would make us happy/peaceful/in harmony and more. It is interesting how New age and born again Christian may match in many ways…but one discounts the other for twisting things. The book is easy/fast to read. She gives great examples. She says you can’t earn it…but allow it. I just want to know what is God’s will more than what we want to manifest with our ego.”

Shasha via 8/31/2013


“Yes!! Boni, I had your book in my purse/book bag for about 2 weeks before I even opened it and was blessed to read each word. My life starting changing as soon as I had possession of it. Been waiting for it since I knew it was in the works and for me, it calibrates so high. Thank you for sharing your being with me.”

SP via “The Map” Facebook Page 8/28/2013


“Loving the book so far. Amazing!”

MA via “The Map” Facebook Page 8/28/2013


“I have my sister and dear friend reading ‘The Map’.”

KC via “The Map” Facebook Page 8/27/2013


“What an awesome day I had today! Can’t wait to share with everyone tomorrow. Again, thank you thank you thank you for writing ‘The Map’.”

KC via “The Map” Facebook Page 8/26/2013


“I love your book!”

MM via “The Map” Facebook Page 8/26/2013


“Thank you for making such a wonderful book. This is by far the best guide to manifesting.”

NM via LALYL Facebook Page 8/26/2013


“This book was recommended to me by a friend. I thought it was just going to be another hokey self-help book but it’s awesome! Love the way it’s written. It’s a very easy read and very helpful!”

NB (Nevada)via 8/23/2013


“My friend LOVES your book as the ‘how to’ that she’s never found before!”

JCM via Boni’s Facebook Author Page 8/22/2013


“Oh my God!!!! I love the book, thank you so so so so very much. It means a lot to me.”

ML via Emails to Boni 8/20/2013


“Your book is amazing. Thank you for being you and sharing.”

CW via Emails to Boni 8/20/2013


“A hummingbird greeted me face to face this morning. His little wings were beating so fast while he was flying figure eights very close to me. I sent him love and joy that I have gained from reading your book ‘The Map’. He stayed close for several minutes. My life is changing daily and ever so blessed since practicing intention. Thank you so much Boni.”

BH via “The Map” Facebook Page 8/20/2013


“This book is the easiest to follow book of any Law of Attraction book. I have read several Law of Attraction books and this is the only one I’ve read that lays out a specific plan for manifesting what you want more of in your life. Most other books can be summed up as follows: feel good, think about what you want as if you already have it, and move in that direction. That’s it! This book, however, lays out specifics, such as: changing your beliefs, finding what you want, increasing energy to your wants, affirmations, actions and how to not push for what you want, and other very simple works that lead you gracefully and joyously towards what you want. It is a fascinating and exciting book. I also highly recommend E-Squared by Pam Grout especially if you do not believe in the Law of Attraction because then you can do a series of nine simple intention experiments and KNOW that it works. While The Map is softer in tone than say, Prometheus Rising by RAW, it is certainly a new classic and it seems to be, in my opinion, the standard-bearer in the field.”

Christopher Geer via 8/20/2013


“A great item to add to my collection. I am very glad to get this book. My friends and I found it very helpful.”

Dort via 8/19/2013


“This is a wonderful book. I am enjoying it very much!”

TR via LALYL Facebook Page 8/17/2013


“Such an amazing, life transforming book! Highly recommended!”

LR via LALYL Facebook Page 8/14/2013


“Dear Boni, Just  finished reading your book. Thank you for writing this wonderful book and explain the concepts in such a simple terms. Time to study the book and apply the techniques. I have heard and read about these concepts before in other books but you explain it so well and in an easy to understand with examples. I always hear it in the “Success” magazine interviews by Darren Hardy that “When you love what you do, you never have to work another day”. You explain this very well in chapter 2 about finding the passion in life. I have been reading and listening to the audio book “It works” by R.H. Jarret.  ( If you know what you want, you can have it) It’s a very small book of 30 pages. The summary of the book is that …
1.  Read the list of want and conditions that you desire 3 times a day.
2.  Think about it as often as possible.
3.  Do not talk to anyone about the plan except to the great power within you.

The book also says that it could have been over 350 pages but it was shortened deliberately. In my opinion your book of 350 pages covered it very well. On page 240, you say “Ask yourself what would be the most exciting, fun and joyous thing to do right this moment?”  This statement and chapter 8 alone is worth the price of the book. My life is very comfortable at 61, and I feel 38, I find myself searching for my passion having worked in Engineering and IT. I feel my new life is just starting and the best is yet to come be it financial, relationships, contribution to society and material wealth. Thank you again for the wonderful book, yes I will sign up for the webinar and look forward to meeting you very soon.”

B via Emails to Boni 8/13/2013


“This book is at my bedside, morning and night. It is awesome!”

CSM via “The Map” Facebook Page 8/9/2013


“Doubt begins to creep in, my world starts to go negative. Then I have to go right to ‘The Map’ for guidance and read the manifestations that have been realized. I start to look for little signs and ultimately ask my helper friends to help me get back into the positive.”

PJM via “The Map” Facebook Page 8/9/2013


“I can’t believe that I’m actually forcing myself to write this message to you! But at the same time, I can. I am currently in the middle of ‘The Map’ and loving it. I was ecstatic to find out that you lived in Boulder! I would love to go for a hike or grab some tea at some point in the next few months. Please let me know if this is something you would be interested in! I look forward to hearing from you!! ”

EM via Boni’s Facebook Author Page 8/7/2013


“You are so correct. The secret is in feeling the amazement of having your intentions now rather than waiting for them. It truly brings these intentions to fruition. I have experienced the manifestations of my intentions since using ‘The Map’.”

PJM via “The Map” Facebook Page 8/6/2013


“Pure joy. Wherever I am, whatever I am doing, it is unadulterated JOY, and I AM Loving it.  Thank you so much for your wonderful and amazing book. May you have love, light, peace, and angel hugs filled with unending joy.”

MH via “The Map” Facebook Page 8/6/2013


“Thank You for the book. That is the book I was truly searching for around 20 years, where everything is so clear and written with such love and wish to help others. Thank You with all my heart.”

KK via Emails to Boni 8/3/2013


“This book is showing me a way to change my own thinking so that I can create a more positive reality within my mind and my world. It is well written and easy to follow.”

Wilda B. Russell “willyb”via 7/31/2013


“‘The Map’ is making a difference in my attitudes. I know I have a ways to go, but I do know that I can manifest that which I want in my life. Thank you for your love, help and confidence in me.”

W via Unseen Friend Replies 7/30/2013


“I love this book! On my second read. Very exciting!”

CSM via “The Map” Facebook Page 7/29/2013


“Thanks Boni! I saw this quote on line today thought you might like to use it for your page. I started reading the first few chapters of ‘The Map’ and I love it! I am definitely doing the work! YAY! I will keep you posted! Good things are coming! “On the path to love, impossibilities are resolved by turning non-love into love. With spiritual growth comes new creative potential, leading to the realization that you are pure potential, able to fill any creative impulse.” ~Deepak Chopra”

SK via LALYL Facebook page 7/28/2013


“This book is very easy to understand the usage. She explains the usage very thoroughly. I had no problem understanding the exercises and how to use them.”

Josephine Williams via 7/26/2013


“I just finished ‘The Map’ this week and discovered this website which is so inspiring! I am so excited seeing the signs showing me that I am manifesting abundance! I was in a rush this morning and stopped to grab breakfast at McDonald’s (which I normally do not do) I received 2 instant winning game pieces for food prizes and then went online and input my game codes and won again! Everything is falling into place as I am creating my new world! Thank you Boni and everyone on this site for all the inspiration!”

B via’s INSPIRE page 7/26/2013


“I bought this book upon the Facebook recommendation of a friend, and ended up gifting her with it. She LOVES it, but into the first chapter I knew it wasn’t a book that I wanted to read.”

Sarah via 7/25/2013


“This book was very inspirational and I highly recommend it! It is a great way to learn how to create your perfect life! Great website too!”

Bobbie Norkey via 7/25/2013


“Congrats Boni! So happy for you and all the people who have been touched by The Map”

EK via LALYL Facebook Page 7/25/2013


“My copy is sitting right next to me with my list of intentions!”

PBL via LALYL Facebook Page 7/25/2013


“Happening and getting fun. Breakthrough yesterday made me smile, big time! Thanks, Boni. You continue to inspire us!”

CSM via “The Map” Facebook Page 7/25/2013


“Love it so much I bought 3 more copies for family and friends. Everyone needs to read and follow this book.”

Couger via 7/24/2013


“Dear Boni, First of all I want to say thank you!  I just finished ‘The Map’ and it was so inspiring.  I am so excited to create my life and watch it change into an even better life than I can imagine.  I also want to say thank you for having such an amazing website.  I just found it today when I got to the end of the book and as I was reading through the letters from unseen friends I literally felt like my heart was over flowing.  I am sitting here with tears welling up in my eyes feeling so inspired.  I feel so much gratitude for all of the great material that has come into my life and your website and book have been amazing!  Thank you so much!”

BN via Emails to Boni 7/22/2013


“I’m so glad to have “discovered” the work of Boni Lonnsburry. She’s become one of my new favorites. I love this book and am addicted to her website.”

Erin Perry via 7/20/2013


“I have to tell you since I’ve been practicing this on a regular basis abundance has been flowing like crazy!”

LM via Boni’s Facebook Author Page 7/12/2013


“If you are like me and believe in your ability to create your own reality, but just haven’t really known exactly HOW to do it, this is the book for you! Boni’s writing style made me feel like I was getting advice from a trusted friend. This easy read always leaves me feeling comforted, hopeful and enlightened, showing me step by step exactly what to do every day to change my world for the better. I pick it up every time I find myself feeling anxious, worried or negative in any way and Boni always gets me back on track! A MUST read if you are ready to change your life for the better.”

Wendy Eaton via 7/10/2013


“I want to create my company sports and entertainment I’m I the process of manifesting 25,000.00 to start my company!!! I love ” The “Map” it helps me a lot!!!”

KLW via LALYL Facebook Page 7/10/2013


“I feel the exercises good have been more emphasized but in general, a great book full of knowledge and wisdom.”

Andrea Infante “Andrea”via 7/9/2013


“I definitely need different insurance, so I started creating this two days ago. I receive in the mail today information about affordable insurance. The universe is working with me.”

CK via “The Map” Facebook Page 7/9/2013


“It is working I got unexpected paperwork in the mail that my mortgage company might owe me money from 2005! Yippee!”

TJD via “The Map” Facebook Page 7/9/2013


“Whooo hooo! yay! [Response from a post announcing a seminar on The Map] The book IS absolutely a delight to read. And to follow”

EK via LALYL Facebook Page 7/8/2013


“Joseph Campbell said if you are following the path laid out before you it is not your path. We must all discover our own way on our journey, but it is helpful to have benevolent guideposts and mysterious treasure maps appear. “The Map” is one such source. Boni Lonnsburry offers up marvelous reminders to keep us true to our own journey and our own discoveries!”

E.M. Jalph “Chrysalis” via 7/8/2013


“This book is a great read that reaches into your soul and gives you hope for the life of your dreams.”

Angelica via 7/7/2013


“If you like law of attraction books but feel like something’s always missing then this one will fill in the gaps! Love the author’s easy going personality vs. scientific mumbo jumbo that I have read before.”

Ksymonds via 7/7/2013


“I have started reading some excerpts from this books since I have been seeing so many quotes out of it. It sounds fascinating, and I think I will go and order it tomorrow to have a copy.”

LW via LALYL Facebook Page 7/7/2013


“I`m in the middle of reading & enjoying `The Map`…awesome, motivating & life-changing book…so glad I bought it!;-)”

ARD via Boni’s Facebook Author Page 7/6/2013


“I purchased “The Map” about 6 weeks ago, and have been slowly working my way through it…currently, I’m journaling my dreams and am changing those Level 2 beliefs, working on ingraining “Life is EASY” and “I have to RECEIVE money” and “No matter how much I spend, there is always MORE than enough.” (Yes, I liked your words – they flow nicely!) Anyway, yesterday at work was the easiest day I’ve had in a long time, and without even fussing about it, the director of the mental health agency where I might like to work as a therapist called me and asked if I was interested in an interview! Then, last night, I dreamed that I was at our bank, and as soon as I would finish making a deposit, another stack of cash and checks would materialize and I’d have to write out another deposit slip – happened three times! Hmmm…I think change is afoot.”

HBV via “The Map” Facebook Page 7/6/2013


“Love it I am starting to make things I enjoy and am going to start selling. Hopefully it will be lucrative, but won’t quit my other business!”

CRS via LALYL Facebook Page 7/5/2013


“Boni…. Been reading and LOVING “The Map” as well as a multitude of previous materials on manifesting/Law of Attraction/enlightenment/intending/etc., for quite some time now-it’s so exciting, it’s truly a challenge to describe!! I’m becoming more “enlightened” each and every day!! I “see” so much more in my daily experiences than in the past. I can even look back and “see” more in past experiences (lessons, reasons, etc.) I was having difficulty with “knowing” vs. “wishing” and have been working on that one. Apparently the Universe knew that and provided me with a simple but AMAZING learning experience yesterday: I’ve recently done some redecorating. My taste is simple as I do not NEED much.  I wanted a new floor lamp/area rug and first spent hours AND HOURS straining my eyes the internet searching for just the right ones. Long story short: walked in to a Home Depot…almost grabbed a shopping cart but did not. Just “knew” one would be there if needed. Walked directly to the lighting dept. and found the perfect lamp! Picked up this heavy box…needed a cart, turned around, no joke!!!!…there it was! I asked a nearby shopper if it was his…no, it was not! Mine!! Now, at another time in my life, I may have thought, “oh, how LUCKY for me.” More aware now, I just “knew” it would be there. First thing, right there in the middle of Home Depot, I expressed my gratitude to the Universe! Then, again…after hours of searching for the right rug, I found it right there in the rug dept! Not only was the color perfect, but it was one of very few available in an unusual size that I need! LUCKY??? Nah…. I’m an extremely grateful, excited student of the “Conscious Creation Expert!” Thank you for doing what you do and for allowing me to share. ”

RJ via LALYL Facebook Page 7/4/2013


“This is not a book you will read at your leisure. Rather, it will continue to be greedily gobbled and digested by anyone who tastes it, as with any amazingly effective healing elixir. Be sure to secure a dose for yourself and for each of your loved ones. Sending love and light to you, dear Boni, with much gratitude.”

Sandra G Coffman via 7/2/2013


“I saw the reviews on this book and finally purchased it. I love it and couldn’t put it down. It’s informative, real, uplifting and gives real life examples that fit real people.”

Arabella via 7/2/2013


“After having been out of work for 7 months, I was just offered a job. My intention was to find work I love, with co-workers I enjoy and a perfect location for me. I so believe the intentions I’ve written with your help, Boni, really put me in the right place at the right time. Your book really helped me to become focused and joyous about what I wanted. Thank you. I’m so thrilled. (And it’s 1 1/2 miles from my home – how great is that!)”

GM via LALYL Facebook Page 7/1/2013


“This book is the only book that has ever clicked. I have read many spiritual books and self-help books trying to grasp the concept of life to be able to attract the life I have always dreamed. However, this book takes it step by step of exactly what you need to do. Every piece of ground is covered and it has already changed my life for the better and I am only half way through.”

Haley via 6/30/2013


“I’m half way through and my life has already had an amazing shift! I’ve read so many amazing books that I’ve tried to apply to my life but because of this book it finally all clicks. This book has changed my life!”

HN via “The Map” Facebook Page 6/29/2013


“I really like this one and it makes sense to me. My creative juices have been blocked, but I haven’t been expressing my feelings lately. A lot on my mind, good stuff mostly. All these feelings and thoughts suppressed are a clog. Thanks for sharing. Going to start journaling and be social. Less FB, lol!”

ACA via LALYL Facebook Page 6/29/2013


“I haven’t read the book yet….it is in waiting until I get done with my spiritual life coaching class (soon). But, it is so exhilarating to be able to understand what the universe has in waiting for us and how obtainable it is. How life changing coming our way when everyone learns this, creating a world of love and reconnecting to the interconnection that is already there. As popular as The Map is becoming, and I believe it is because the author is working what she writes, part of the movement toward spirituality and making that connection to our life force while we play our roles in a human body on this earth. I look forward to reading my book and will delight in reading comments from those who have just finished reading it.”

DF via “The Map” Facebook Page 6/28/2013


“I have had this book for almost 4 weeks. I have had 5 of my intentions manifest in that time. If I feel any negativity creep in, I will pick it up during the day as well as morning and nighttime. The information in this book is amazing and life changing. I had it sent to two of my adult children and the book is now on its way to my other two adult children. Do the work, keep the book close at hand and create your own reality.”

PJM via “The Map” Facebook Page 6/28/2013


“I have yet again seen money being brought to me through using the techniques on this website and in The Map. My boss at work told me she was going to give me a raise just because! I was so excited and filled with gratitude. It was completely unexpected and so greatly appreciated. Also I fill in for my sister-in-law at her hair salon on weekends when they need a front desk person. Well she told me that their was an extra paycheck for me at the salon. I didn’t think I was to get anymore checks since I haven’t worked there in a couple of weeks. It is so exciting to see how everything can turn around for you as long as you stay in faith, love and most important a place of gratitude!”

M. via’s INSPIRE page 6/28/2013


“I have been working really hard on creating Abundance! And guess what? All of a sudden I received a check in the mail, and the following day I received another check! I was so ecstatic because I have manifested the beginning to a better life. I am so grateful to the Universe for giving me my dreams. There are no words of gratitude that I can’t express on how happy,excited and joyful I feel about the wonderful things that are starting to manifest in my life. I can’t thank you enough for showing me the way with your book, “The Map”. I also would love thank the Team and all my unseen friends for helping me manifest my intentions. Thank you God and Goddess for all your love and support. Once again I thank you with of all my love and gratitude!”

Y. via’s INSPIRE page 6/28/2013


“Please everybody BELIEVE! Read “The Map” In three weeks I have manifested 4 of my intentions. The most difficult part is not letting the negativity creep in. When it does, I stop and take the book and use the techniques, imagine and feel my intentions as if I have them already until the energy flows back into my intentions.”

LHS via LALYL Facebook Page 6/26/2013


“Definitely worth purchasing. I have just about all of these books ever written from the 1900’s to today. This book is very fast reading, and very easy to understand. Hoping it comes out on audio soon!”

Kae Thompson via 6/26/2013


“There are many books out there about the creative process. This book is a how to on the creative process. She shows how the universe works and what your part in the process is. This book is a map in the process.”

James Crain via 6/25/2013


“Hi Boni, I left a comment/review on The Map page recently… I just wanted to stop by and tell you what’s happened since. I’m not sure exactly what it was. Whether I was meditating or dreaming or what lol. I don’t remember consciously starting this process…but I had a vision of the exercise you shared in the book… going up the stairs, finding the book and a belief and changing it. It was so real… the person I met led me down the hall, and found the book, leafed through it to a belief I’ve been working on/thinking about lately. Handed me a great big eraser and told me to erase it. Then handed me this gorgeous pen, with a big feather, and told me to write in the new belief. We then left that room, and went to another room, with a new topic of books/beliefs. He pulled down another book, and leafed for another belief and we did the same thing. One of the beliefs was about weight, and the other was about business. Since that dream/vision which was only a few days ago, I’ve lost 3 pounds, felt exited to exercise (and actually started lol), and attracted a new team member to my business!! Just wanted to say THANK YOU! I’ve been a huge fan of LOA for many many years, but the concrete exercises, the actual Doing of the process has eluded me, until now. Thank you. Jackie”

JL via Boni’s Facebook Author Page 6/25/2013


“Wow! What an amazingly useful, exciting and inspiring book. Practical and wise at the same time. We all grew up on fairy tales, those “happy ever after” stories that we wrote off as just that…stories. But this author, using her own real life example, clearly explains step by step HOW she created her own beautiful, rich, fairy tale life and has taught others to do the same. Full of tools and techniques she generously shares. I imagine this book will be resource on my shelf as for a lifetime, to go back to again and again.”

Anonymous reviewer via 6/22/2013


“The Map is a great book—loved it. I plan on reading it over and over. The Map has a lot of great information that can be applied to my life to make it better.”

June Lenoir via 6/21/2013


“We came to the hill country June 3 to look for a new home. We have already manifested a beautiful home and studio while literally living in the desert for the last 40 years. Since arriving here, while reading The Map and my belief and intentions lists twice a day, I have found heart shaped rocks nearly every single day! I believe that the earth is telling me…”I love you too!” and that these stones are evidence from my angels of their presence. I have experienced more happiness lately than is usual for me, and I wake with joy in the awareness of how very blessed I am. Yesterday, a kindred spirit gave me some fossils and promised to go fossil hunting with me! Another kindred spirit in the rock shop needed money and offered a beautiful crystallized brain coral he had found for me to buy, which I gladly did. Win/win! Magic is happening all around me!”

Anonymous via’s INSPIRE page 6/20/2013


“Thank you so much! Honest to goodness, I seriously thought The Map would be “just another book” and what have I got to lose, right?As a former govt employee who was bullied by her supervisor & filed all sorts of complaints and legal papers that just has consumed me for the past two years in anger of the injustice, tears, insomnia, etc. all the while keeping me from my dream reality that I was trying to create wondering why it wasn’t working….. Yesterday I choose to really look at what was stopping me…then I realized…so for the next two hours I shredded all those papers, I’m done wasting time on what was,I want to create what will be: My future life of relocating to hawaii to be a certified fitness trainer for the 50+ age group has been on hold pending resolution of the employment issues & red govt tape…. So I shredded it all, what I thought to be important, I scanned and emailed myself so it would be saved online and other places. I just needed to let it go! And when I was walking to the garage to store the empty plastic file bins…the neighbor we share the garage with left me a Hawaii airlines magazine as he knows of my dream! Oh my goodness…..really?!!!! iI’s a sign & you’re right, Im paying attention! Just wanted to share that and Im not even on chapter 3 yet! Aloha!”

K via Emails to Boni 6/18/2013


“The Map is helping me tremendously. Only day 4 reading it twice per day but feel the joy, happiness, safety, and abundance surrounding me. Yes I am creating my own reality. I have a lot of work to do, but faithfully will undertake it daily.”

PJM via LALYL Facebook Page 6/18/2013


“Glad you had a great time and a great anniversary! And now, yea, you’re back with us again. I’m on my 2nd reading of book, working on techniques & intentions. Absolutely love it, excited about it, grateful for it, and now can’t wait to be able to hear the audios. You are awesome, Boni!”

CSM via Boni’s Facebook Author Page 6/17/2013


“If you are interested in manifesting goals, you have probably already read several books about this. But even if you’ve read hundreds of books on the subject already, I strongly suggest you read this one as well. I can’t find words to express what makes this book special. Yes, it is very well written. Yes, it’s high quality information. But that’s not what makes it different. There is a certain energy that makes this book special, and much, much better than many other books out there. Read it and find out for yourself what I mean. Enjoy!”

Brigitte via 6/14/2013


“While I am still reading this book, and have put it aside temporarily, have to tell everyone who is interested in being guided by the most down to earth person going, who makes you feel like she is sitting right here in front of you guiding you with the easiest of ways. She speaks from her own life, which offered her the knowledge to offer to all of us how to reach for the stars and never look back. I cannot wait to read the book in entirety and tell of my path of success in every area of life as she did. You should also consider joining her site, especially the weekly messages that are sent directly to you, that will touch you in unexplainable ways. Great book and I hope that everyone feels the warmth, reassurance and guidance that the author is displaying. Much thanks to Boni for being so open, caring and sharing.”

Ledjw via 6/14/2013


“After reading other well known books on the law of attraction, this one really spells out how to manifest the life of your dreams. The others had great concepts, but taught mostly about “just think positive”. This book clearly states the actions you can take to manifest your positivity into your dream life.”

Susan Knerr via 6/14/2013


“This book is definitely an amazing book I fell in love from the first page it’s so inspiring, helpful, easy read, and step by step guide to create the life you always desired. It’s a win-win all you have to do is believe and state your intentions and watch your world change more than you could ever imagine!!!! Thank you Boni for this amazing gift!!! Xo Kerry Selter”

Pen Name (Kerry Selter) via 6/12/2013


“I LOVED The Map! It is by far my favorite “LOA” book. I love the concrete exercises. I have always understood how this stuff works, in my head… but this book has allowed me to take my knowledge and actually put it to use in my life! I have already seen ENORMOUS changes in my life from doing one simple exercise (and it’s only been a couple weeks since I read the book) I also LOVE, LOVE the messages from my unseen friends. Every time I open one, it’s exactly what I need to hear. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!!”

Jackie Lee “aka momtohanna” via 6/12/2013


“This book takes one through the process of uncovering and exploring beliefs and setting intentions. The process is clearly laid out and easy to follow. A “must have” for your library.”

Genevieve via 6/8/2013


“Have shared your conscious creation cards with our Mortgage Center team – each picked three words that spoke to them and then we share and shuffle our deck with each other in our team of 25 or so – we all love – Magic – we love waving our magic wand – it fixed many things on Friday….lol”

CW via Boni’s Facebook Author Page 6/8/2013


“Thought you would like this. I started reading the map a few days ago… I have been manifesting things in my life for years… But, would manifest $ then my fridge would break down! Lol! So when I read that happened to you in the beginning I was relieved! Looking forward to learn how to fix that! Thank God I manifested finding the book! Peace Love and Happiness- T”

TJD via Boni’s Facebook Author Page 6/7/2013


“After a prolonged period of puttering, the creative magical juices began to stir. I had been in the same career for over half my life and needed to reinvent my world to fit in with my present circumstances, wants, needs, and dreams! Where did I begin? What did it look like? How could I earn enough money and still have the time to be available to play, enjoy my grandchildren, pursue my interests in art and cooking, have time to be a magician, and just putter? My sweet friend Boni sent me an advanced copy of ‘The Map’. I read one thing that really hit home and helped to pry me from my very stuck place: I had been so caught in the “details” that I was too paralyzed to create anything beyond more questions. What I read in ‘The Map’ gave me the freedom to get out of my paralysis and simply “feel what it would feel like to have all that I desired” – no need to know what it looked like, or how it would occur. The universe began to deliver in grand ways, an e-mail from a long time associate which led me to a new career path that would have previously intimidated me. It felt right, and I went for it. I will have made more money in one quarter than I did in a whole year, with ease, elegance, and time, for all that I feared might be lost in my want for more financial success and creativity. Thank you, Boni, all my unseen friends, and God, Goddess, All That Is.”

WK. via’s INSPIRE page 6/6/2013


“I read this book once all the way through before I did the exercises. Was very excited later to work the steps. I love how she writes how we create things we don’t want…and that our beliefs are holding us back and how to change them. I have very limiting beliefs. I am now working on her exercises to change them. I think this book will be life changing. It also tells you how to flow energy into your dreams and encourages you to take inspired action and what to do if you not changing or if you’re at block. She shares her experience and gives core examples to help you with the exercises. I know once I follow all her steps and completed all these exercises my life will change and my dreams will come true and yours will too.”

Berlinda via 6/6/2013


“The Map is simple but amazing! I have been searching for more than 25 years, driving my wife crazy by reading every self-help book I could find, trying to find a way to eliminate the thoughts that have been holding me back and figure out how to be, have and do what I want in life. Finally, I have found it! Boni Lonnsburry has written it all down – in an elegant, step-by-step manner – and put it in a book that started changing my life in meaningful ways before I even finished reading it. I had the privilege of communicating with Boni while I was reading the book, so I know how real her intentions are of helping others uncover their true dreams and teaching them to take action so their lives become the ones they choose. I highly recommend this book for anyone who is ready to start seeing his or her dreams become reality. Thank you so much, Boni!”

Mike Arnold via 6/6/2013


“Great book, very informative, easy to read, and I am looking forward to applying everything I am learning so that I can truly “Live a Life that I Love”!!!”

Barbara Halat via 6/5/2013


“Your book is fabulous!  I was showing it around my “prosperity” group and we’ve decided to start a “Map” group.   I’m so impressed!! Oh… on your second printing (which I know you’ll have) would you mind giving me a photo credit? I didn’t think to ask you about that because it’s always done. Hope you are well and you’re selling a million (or more) books.”

EW via Emails to Boni 6/3/2013


“‘The Map’ is one of the most inspiring books I have ever read!! One miracle event after I starting reading the book. Out of the blue I learned I am eligible for VA benefits and previously I was told I was not eligible.”

F. Miller via 6/1/2013


“The map is one of the most inspiring books I have ever read!!”

FM via LALYL Facebook Page 6/1/2013


“Hi Everyone! I purchased ‘The Map’ last week and during my first reading I was intrigued by the ‘Blending With Your Higher Self’ technique. I absolutely believe we create our reality and I’ve been working with angels for about a year now, but I’ve never considered a’ higher self’. Before going to sleep that evening, I did a progressive relaxation and when I felt totally relaxed I descended a staircase to a beautiful garden and sat on a swing…I told my higher self that I would love to “meet” and asked for a sign that she was there. A beautiful woman with long blonde hair, flowing white robes and an amulet on her forehead walked out of the trees and told me her name was Leah and she was my higher self. She sat with me on the swing and we held hands and just sat quietly together for a few minutes. Then she was gone, and I came out of the meditation. What an AWESOME experience! I was SO amazed! I will certainly be working with my unseen friends all the time from now on! I hope this story encourages every one of you!”

P. via’s INSPIRE page 5/31/2013


“I am 3/4 of the way through the book. I have been doing all of the suggested steps, such as writing out my intentions and doing the work to let go of negative core beliefs and replacing those beliefs with positive beliefs that I choose, even as I prepare (take action) to relocate to another part of the state in less than a week to look for our next home. Amazingly, miraculously, things are already beginning to happen in my life that I attribute to the intentions I set as suggested by the book! I am actually seeing signs of the things I intend to happen in my life! I have done other things in the past like making a beautiful heartfelt vision journal several years ago, and a mandala of manifestation showed up when I was cleaning out a closet the other day, and I have an ongoing list of things I’d like in my dream home, so this is not the first time I have done similar exercises, but the ease and positivity flowing through the writing and through ME as I do this work is simply awesome! I would ordinarily not write a review until I had finished a book, but I am seeing shifts already. We are busy packing and preparing to do something we have never done and I think this work is important enough to take the time every day to read a little more and to read and tweak my intentions and my beliefs twice or more a day!”

B. Smith via 5/30/2013


“I purchased “The Map” about two weeks ago, and I’m on my 3rd reading of it! This time I am doing all of the exercises and techniques to the letter! I am already seeing amazing results from the step-by-step instructions that Boni gives in the book. I can’t recommend this work highly enough…I’ve read dozens if not hundreds of book on the Law of Attraction and this one if by FAR the best I have come across in over 10 years of studying this subject. Order your copy today – you will be glad you did!”

Paula Braskie-Lucas via 5/30/2013


“I have read Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting, The Secret and other books about creating and manifesting. I found myself in a “slump” and apparently manifested this book into my life pretty much the day it published. I purchased it and read it immediately! On my way to the dentist I did the “one minute manifestor”. The first sign happened upon entering the dentist office 10 minutes later, followed by three more an hour later and more every day! I know I’m on the right track now, thanks to The Map & Boni! My kids are reading it now and seeing results! I highly recommend this book to beginners as well as to those seasoned creators who may be feeling like they hit a “slump” too.”

Mari M Odette “SeaDJGirl” via 5/29/2013


“Helps really tie together a lot of material that I have read & inspires me to stay on the right path for me.”

Lisa M Minzey via 5/27/2013


“I will tell you, I have read hundreds of books on metaphysical, the law of attraction and so on, including The God Academy, which is/was/has been dubbed the book of all time ( I still don’t think I finished that book ). From page 1 this book, The Map had me. While quantum physics to a degree is still alive and well within the book, it’s the human/emotional side of things not science. If you have read other books and still felt as though something was missing and/or left out, this is the missing piece that fills all the gaps of so many other books. If you wondered why the law of attraction wasn’t working for you, this book, in terms you can understand shows you exactly why. I am amazed at how engaging this book is from the minute you pick it up. I have always been a firm believer in ” walk a mile in my shoes “, AND, I don’t want a text book version of a practitioner, I want someone who has lived the very lives we have, has faced the same struggles, walked as my father would say ” a mile up hill, both ways, through the snow, with holes in our shoes “. The author, not only brings her own life, trials, tribulations and triumphs to the surface but she also brings what so many lack HOPE. This book is the hope that PROVES your circumstances can change, from right where you are. You don’t have to spend years in school, you don’t have to turn yourself over to a God you don’t believe in, you don’t have to mix a witches brew or stare into the moon (I am not saying these are bad things by the way). I am so grateful and excited for this book. While I am an extremely spiritual person and believe in the ” unseen “, have spent countless days, hours, months, and years studying the Law of Attraction, Reiki, Feng Shui, crystals and holistic healing, I will say, hands down, so far, this is the BEST book I have read.”

Melissa via 5/27/2013


“I’m half way through the book and have begun an incredible journey that The Map invites us on. I’m taking my time and really devoting the attention I deserve. It is not always joyful as facing some pretty hard issues can be daunting. But what I am finding is that, along with the challenges, is the absolute joy of knowing I am loved and have the power to create a life that I have dreamed of but never could put into place until now. What an incredible feat—laying out the actual steps we can take with clarity, humor and love. Thank you, Boni. This is truly a miracle.”

Michele Gabrielle Menendez via 5/26/2013


“This has brought everything together in an easy and clear cut manner. It really is a guide for how to live your best possible life. I would recommend this book to everyone, regardless of where you are in your life journey.”

Mel via 5/26/2013


“I loved this book. I took my time reading this book and doing the exercises. I have seen Miracles happen every day. I have found so much joy and happiness.”

Kathy Stevenson via 5/25/2013


“One of my biggest challenges is my financial situation right now. (Debts) Well I can tell you that I am really excited and very happy because I have been receiving signs from our beautiful Universe. So far I have found 4 pennies in 4 different days. Today I found my 4th penny in the parking lot of a CVS store right on the side of my car on the driver’s side. I also found 6 dollars in my pants that I was going to wash, that filled me with excitement and joy. The last penny and the 6.00 dollars I found today. I feel very abundant and joyous because I can see some changes in life already. This is a wonderful experience. I have been doing the One Minute Manifestor plus I have changed a lot of my beliefs and also I have been doing my intentions too. I already read the whole book. The book is amazing is like having you here right next to me guiding me. Boni, Thank you once again for all your love and support. Much love and gratitude to you.”

Y. via’s INSPIRE page 5/25/2013


“I had to share this with you. I am almost done reading The Map & I just finished the chapter about being aware of the signs that your dream is coming to you. Well I have been trying to attract money & was in a store the other day & found a penny. I acknowledged it as my actions are bringing money to me. I picked up the penny & said thank you. I little later I found a dime & not too long after that I found a $20!!! Also my dream is to have my own wine shop & to own a yacht. Well just switched on the TV & there was a show on about yachts & one yacht they featured was owned by a man who owned a vineyard!!”

MK via LALYL Facebook Page 5/25/2013


“I just bought your book and it is magical. I have written a similar book but yours seems to bring it all together and give a map that is easy to follow. I highly, highly recommend this book to all I teach and know. Thanks again I had so much fun reading your book, a blast!!! Ideal for the beginner and advanced student of creating your own reality and practically getting to the life you dream of having.”

Edith del Mar Behr MD FACS author of The Teflon Self via 5/24/2013


“Hello Boni.  Thank you for ‘The Map’.  I’m half way through it and it’s such an amazing journey.  So far, although I am doing the work, just reading it has given such a gift of confirmation of God’s love for me (and all of us).  This was something I could not accept before.  Thank you for that.”

GM via Emails to Boni 5/24/2013


“Looks like a great book, I just ordered a copy and noticed that it reached a bestseller status in two categories, congratulations!”

JO via Boni’s Facebook Author Page 5/24/2013


“Good Afternoon All. I first wrote when I had gotten laid off from my job but was determined to stay positive. I needed ‘my sign’ something that would tell me that I was being heard. I have always loved the shapes of hearts and have created artwork depicting heart shapes in nature. (There are plenty by the way.) While out with my husband at a bike store I happened to look down on the ground and there it was. A perfectly shaped metal heart, I picked it up and instantly KNEW. This was my sign, it is now hanging on a bulletin board in my kitchen and I will keep it forever. Believe!”

AML via LALYL Facebook Page 5/23/2013


“The Map is an exceptional guidebook for creating a life you love. Boni has mapped out a step-by-step plan that is fun and easy to get started with. Her accessible writing style makes this book a pleasure to read. The author candidly shares her journey (both the ups and downs) and how she applied the map in her own life with amazing results. This book is a fresh, modern take on how to consciously create your reality. Her story and this book are a beautiful testament to what one can do when applying these principles. While I find this book to be extremely inspiring, it’s in the concise step by step process the author has laid out that makes this book stand apart from the rest. The beauty of the Map is in its clear instruction, which gives you the confidence to move forward with these principles. No guessing on what to do next! It’s all in here and clearly outlined. This book is the nuts and bolts of reality creation. I will be buying additional copies for friends and family!”

Kelly B. via 5/21/2013


“Boni, I am writing my intentions, here in my quiet hotel room in Houston. I love your book! It is a real life, explicit, engaging and comprehensive guidebook, I LOVE IT! Truly the first map that makes sense to me! Thank you so very much! I love your message! Delicious and magical world, here I AM!”

SP via Emails to Boni 5/18/2013


“One of my biggest challenges is my debt right now. I have started to apply the techniques and gifts plus I just started reading ‘The Map’. Well I received a bonus in my paycheck that I was not expecting today! I was so thankful and know that I have attracted this to me and that this is just the beginning. I can’t explain the gratitude I felt when I checked my bank account and found the extra money sitting in my account! Thank you GOD!!!!”

M. via’s INSPIRE page 5/17/2013


“Hi Boni, I love your FB page and bought your book, the map the other night and read it in one seating lol, loved, loved it.”

NB via LALYL Facebook Page 5/17/2013


“I started reading ‘The Map’ yesterday and wanted to share something… I fully believe that we create our own reality, but one of my blocking beliefs is that conscious creation is manipulating the universe and I fear that it will then rebound badly on me. So today I asked my unseen friends for help in letting that go. At that very instant a song came on the radio with the following lyrics: Settle down it’ll all be clear Don’t pay no mind to the demons they fill you with fear Trouble may drag you down But if you’re lost you can always be found Know you’re not alone I’m gonna make this place your home. I was so shocked I cried!”

Anonymous via’s INSPIRE page 5/16/2013


“When I started this book, I picked small things to focus on (like getting a good night’s sleep!) just to see if it really works.  It does!!  Now I’m on to bigger dreams … in less than one week, I have come up with an idea to save my small business from closing down!  This book has taught me how to not panic and instead use that energy to solve problems.  I’m looking forward to more amazing changes in my life.  What it really taught me is to honestly answer the question of what I really, really want and then get it!  I recommend it for everyone at every level of experience, age and success.  Thanks to Boni for taking the time to share!”

Anonymous reviewer via 5/16/2013


“The Map is a life changing book. Boni introduces you to new ways of thinking that will alter your life as you wish it to be. It will take you on the most amazing adventure of discovering the power of your mind and thoughts. Boni guides you each and every step, honing your newly acquired skills. It is exciting, uplifting and easy to follow. It is like having your very own life coach, friend and fairy god mother all rolled into one. I have already made huge shifts in my life and I recommend this book to everyone!”

deannaDWDW via 5/16/2013


“I’ve had the pleasure of reading this book and all I can say is that everyone needs to. Not only does it tell you how to create your own reality it shows you how. It gives you step by step instructions and guides you through creating a life you love. Boni’s personal stories give the book such a unique feel you can’t seem to put the book down. This isn’t the first book on manifesting your destiny but it is the first that really shows you step by step “how to”. The examples, stories, hints and tools you will have are invaluable and you will be using them to find what truly is yours to have.”

J. Anderson via 5/9/2013


“The Map is a book that you will buy and buy again for everyone you love. You will be compelled to share the information with people because you want them to know how to create their life without struggle. This is the book we have all waited for….something that really does guide us through the steps of reality creation. Boni’s writing style will embrace you and draw you into a world full of possibilities. You will feel a sense of “finally…something that makes sense.” You will be filled with a sense of empowerment…I get it…I have choices in my life and I can change my life!!!! Here is the step-by-step process to do it! This is a guide…not just words. It works!! I know because I’ve put it into application and seen instant results. They will amaze and delight you. Is it really this easy to change my life??? Yes!!!! This is your book to freedom from all the limitations you believe keep you where you are. It is filled with the “secrets” that have kept us locked into a limited reality that we believed held us back from achieving our dreams. No fluff…this is the real thing. Boni has proven it, lived it and created a life that is so amazing…and continues to create and create elegantly and effortlessly. I know…I’ve watched the process. Boni is my friend and I’ve had the honor of knowing someone with such integrity and inner beauty, bring forth information that she lives. Her true desire is to help everyone create everything they desire as well. It’s a book created and written from love for humanity. She is not a fame seeker but she is a “Creator” and wants to share that with you!”

Jackie Salvitti via 5/9/2013


“I loved traveling through THE MAP. The reason WHY we want, desire and dream to do or become anything is very personal. So many of us know What and sometimes Why we want what we dream about. However, most of the world get stuck in that “dreaming” phase, while “knowing” that they can’t have it, be it or do it! What if we changed that “knowing” to HOW can I have it, be it and do it like all the people who did it already? That journey needs a good map to guide you along the path to your glory. Boni did a great job with this book, mapping out REAL LIFE steps and applicable strategies, not just hypothetical myths or empty motivation. A life evolving read, now let’s apply it.”

Hisham Abdalla “Dr. Hisham” via 5/8/2013


“I consider this book a “must read” for anyone who wants to take more ownership of their life and manifest their dreams. I’ve known Boni for over 20 years and have continually been amazed at her dedication to understanding reality creation, and her ability to create her dreams. She and her life have been an inspiration to me, and I am so excited that she has put so much of what she has learned into The Map. This book covers the waterfront of reality creation in a style that is easy to read while also containing many nuts and bolts techniques for actually implementing changes to one’s reality. For example, The Map shows the reader how to set intentions, understand and work with the various aspects of self, change beliefs (very important), ask for help from “unseen friends,” take actions, shift self image, and flow energy towards the desired reality. Adding to the richness of the material are illustrations from Boni’s own life in each of these areas. The Map also underscores the importance of working with emotions as a reality-creating mechanism. If you have any desire to change your life for the better, I think you owe it to yourself to read this book.”

osiris10 via 5/7/2013


“Boni Lonnsburry has written a very accessible method of bringing consciousness to creating one’s life. The Map is very deep yet readable, and easy to use as a guidebook for life creation. Good for the beginner as well as longtime students of metaphysics. I highly recommend it!”

VickyLou via 5/7/2013


“Did you know you were born to be a creator? Did you know you already have everything it takes to BE that creator? “The Map” is the guide Boni Lonnsburry created to help you learn how to consciously create everything in your life. Boni helps you learn how to take responsibility for your own life, starting with discovering WHO YOU ARE and what you want to create and then learning how to pour positive energy into it all! Similar to how you would plot a trip before you ever leave the driveway, Boni has exercises throughout to help you plot your life journey so you have a plan beginning now. If you have never taken time to really look at who you are and where you are going, “The Map” gives you the perfect opportunity to do so!”

Sheryl Cox via 5/7/2013


“I’ve read several books on how to manifest what you desire, but this has been the best. Boni shares examples from her own life experience, and show you how to start from where you are to get to your ideal life. She doesn’t downplay the fact that you will have to do the work. Instead of making it seem like it’s only a matter of thinking positively, she shows how to apply real changes to your thoughts and actions. Her book maps out the steps so that you can follow her lead and manifest the life of your dreams.”

Deborah A. Bailey via 5/7/2013


“I am SO excited for the rest of the world to hold this gift of words in their own hands! If you choose to read it on an iPad , kindle or just flip the paper pages… Be prepared to be inspired, empowered and supported every step of the way! Boni has the ability to write words that will magically dance with joy while you uncover your deepest dreams and turn them into reality!”

HW via Boni’s Facebook Author Page 5/6/2013


“Everything I was hoping for and more!!! Boni has nailed it and I would highly recommend this book to anyone who is fed up with creating what they don’t want and are ready to live the life they love!!”

Helen E Mcmullan via Amazon.com5/3/2013


“If you are ready to create the reality you want, complete with abundance, rich relationships, fulfilling work, and all aspects of your best life, this book will assist you to do so. A must read!”

Dr Joe Rubino via 5/2/2013


“The Map is a genuine divine plan for your life! If you’re unfamiliar with The Law of Attraction, this book not only introduces you to it, but it teaches the key fundamentals needed to take control of your life and allow all your dreams to manifest into existence! A beautifully written, wonderful read, the Map will change your life! — Rev. La Vonda Young, Ph.D.,DD – Founder, Divine Blessings Academy.”

Divineblessingsacademy via 5/2/2013


“If you don’t think you create your own reality, you will be convinced that indeed that is exactly what has happened throughout your life after reading The Map by Boni Lonnsburry. The beauty of this well written, orchestrated and energetically imbued book is that Boni masterfully shows the reader the power one has to change old restrictive beliefs that have shaped one’s reality into new limitless beliefs that will create the life of your dreams. Thoughtfully organized chapters take the reader on a transformative process that can break through self-created limitations and into an expansive life where dreams are made manifest. Boni clearly shows, in an easy to follow step-by step format, how each person can acquire the techniques to change their reality through setting intentions and getting into a state of ‘feeling’ their newly created reality. This is where the magic begins. How liberating! Intend to get your hands on a copy of this book. It will revolutionize your life!”

Squirrel Rork via Amazon.com5/1/2013


“A Buddhist might say this book is all about mindfulness. Carlos Castaneda would say it’s a book about intention and stalking. It’s all that and more. This book is also about creating a life of elegance and ease, filled with love, laughter, and joy. For me, the difference between this and similar books I’ve read is that rather than just telling us that we create everything in our life anyway, so why not create our lives consciously (to coincide with what we say we want), this book includes the information needed to actually do this. Here’s some of what’s available between the covers. If you don’t already believe you deserve a wonderful life, this book can help you find and change that belief. Understanding the beliefs that source our daily creations, both wanted and unwanted. If our core beliefs aren’t obvious, Boni provides a guide to help track them down. As she wrote, if we aren’t aware of where we are right now, how do we get from here to there? Other authors writing on the same topic have told us we have to change our limiting core beliefs in order to move forward; Boni goes a step further and shows us how to do this. She not only explains the details, but uses examples from her own life. It’s pretty much an A-B-C of creation, but simple as that sounds, it requires plenty of time and work, unless you’re already gifted in this area. (And if you are, you probably wouldn’t be checking this book out.) But creating is like anything else: the more you hone your skills, the more fun it becomes. And isn’t that what life is all about – having fun? Thanks, Boni, for a well-written, understandable, and fun read!”

Linda G. Hendrick via Amazon.com4/26/2013


“This is a uniquely wonderful and much-needed ‘how to’ book on the process of manifestation. Boni Lonnsbury has created a work filled with warmth, humor, candor and abiding confidence that we each have within us the power and potential to create a life we love. Clearly written and succinct, The Map provides accessible context for understanding this innate power within and offers concrete tools for tapping it and focusing it toward that which we might choose to create and experience in our lives. Although there are a number of books available which explain in detail the quantum or esoteric spiritual mechanics involved with shifting and creating our personal realities, The Map distinguishes itself by being extremely ‘user-friendly’. Keeping keen focus on the ‘human mechanics’ involved with bringing our personal good to fruition, important emphasis is placed not only on the ‘how’ of the process but equally – if not more importantly – on exercising the human qualities necessary to ultimately reap our desired personal harvest. Beyond simply (and often sporadically) exercising positive thought, intentions, affirmations, positive feelings and the literal powers of imagination, we are reminded throughout The Map that it is doing each of these things with commitment, focus, perseverance and the power of belief that will bring forth ‘the fruit from the tree’ and lead to our successful outcomes. Emphasis is also put on understanding that which flows energy ‘away’ from hopes and dreams. Identifying old beliefs, patterns, fears and conditioning which inadvertently block our progress and success plays a key piece in this process. The Map guides us to how to located these places within, as well as transform them so that what was once a block or deterrent can become an ally in our process. The author uses many examples from her own and others’ lives to show both the humanity and the divinity inherent in the process of learning how to create from within. Her own journey provides powerful living proof and great inspiration for what can be accomplished by following The Map. It also has lent her great understanding and compassion for the ups and downs we naturally encounter as we learn this new way of being and become more aware of what we are truly capable of. And like someone who has traveled the path and knows it well, she knows when to hold our hand and when to push us forward into the places only we can walk. The Map is a terrific ‘step by step’ guide to creating lives we love. It deserves a place amongst the most mystical and scientific books on the same topic, and more so. It takes great skill to simplify and clarify such mysterious topics and then go the step further to make them practical and usable on a daily basis. The Map does all of this with elegance and ease and for those who utilize it, the way forward promises a life filled with real magic, personal and spiritual empowerment and if chosen, joy!”

Deborah Sicignano via Amazon.com4/24/2013


“I’ve had the pleasure of taking classes from Boni and can tell you that her “map” works. I was excited when I heard she was writing “The Map”. I was even more excited when I read the book. The beauty of Boni is that she has created an amazing life from following this map. I am more interested in learning from someone who practices what they preach. How often do we get the actual game plan that someone has used to create our own beautiful life? Every chapter guides you through the process and gives you the tools to use and follow. Of course being committed to practicing and utilizing these tools is the key. I would recommend this book to anyone who is ready to commit to changing and creating the life of their dreams.”

Liz Mrofka via Amazon.com4/24/2013


“Are you motivated to change your life but don’t know where to start? Have your heard about the Law of Attraction, think you use it, but keep coming up short? Then The Map – To Our Responsive Universe, Where Dreams Really Do Come True by Boni Lonnsburry is your step-by-step guide to consciously creating a life you love. The author lost it all. Her career, her family, her financial security yet was determined to be grateful for a $164/week paycheck from a temp job. If you’re far from where you want to be, as she was, then join her on a journey to where you want to be. “The Map” provides both understanding of why you’ve created the reality you’re experiencing right now and how to consciously create the reality you want. This author went from barely being able to pay the rent to having homes in the Bahamas and the Colorado mountains and flying between both by private jet. Along her journey she met the love of her life and experiences joy in every moment. Throughout the book there are simple and effective tools to help you decide what you want, devise your intentions to create it and fun exercises to flow the energy to your dreams. What I love most is that Ms. Lonnsburry lists out about every situation we might want to change and gives us suggestions on how to change our thoughts & intentions to serve us better. She does so with a refreshingly honest approach that enables the reader to laugh along the way. That’s a blessing for anyone who has been struggling for way too long. What makes this book so different from all the other Law of Attraction books out there is that it’s practical, simple and written by an inspiring woman who doesn’t just talk about it… she lives it. You have to do the foundational work in this book and use the exercises consistently. However, it is your life, and if you want to create a life you love, then you need “The Map.” You’ll never be lost in life again!”

C. Maloney via 4/24/2013


“The book, “The Map,” has had quite an impact on me. This book is very, very important and significant. I think it will have a tremendous effect on all those who read it and “do the work.” But first, a few comments about the book. Boni is an absolutely great writer. The book is very clear and easy to read. Also, I really love that she shares her personal journey. It makes the book so much more entertaining and interesting! I have always believed that we consciously create our reality, but have never quite gotten it to work the way I want. I do a lot of spiritual work and it is amazing that anything could shift my life as much as “The Map” has. Working with Boni’s techniques has created a lot of expansion for me! Here is what I think is happening: I do not believe Boni has just come up with a set of beliefs and techniques that work. I think she has set up a “morphogenetic field” that is a huge energy for change. The best way I can explain what I mean by morphogenetic field is to give an example. A man named Richard Bartlett had an unusual ability to heal from the time he was a child. Often he would just touch a person or animal and it would instantly heal. He became a chiropractor as an adult. Sometimes patients would spontaneously heal when he worked with them. He had no idea why. Patients believed in his abilities more than he did. They would come and ask him to just touch them, and many miracles occurred. Richard then set out to discover what it was he did so that he could teach others. Some of his chiropractor friends joined him and they started researching and inventing techniques that they could all do. This process grew and grew and finally Richard started giving workshops for anyone who was interested. See Today Richard believes that his techniques constitute a morphogenetic field that was built by him and all the other people that worked to heal in the same way. Now, when people come to the workshops, they step into that field and they can suddenly cause spontaneous healings also. Richard knows that the more he and all other people work with the techniques, the more the morphological field expands, evolves and changes. I believe “The Map” is a morphogenetic field. I think Boni has been working with this material so intensely that she has created this field. I think I stepped into this field when I started reading the book. All the sudden there were some huge things in me that needed to change and I was on a roller coaster. I set some intentions around some big issues that came up (plus a few more), reading them twice a day and processing beliefs. Now things seem calmer in my life. I am ready to go back and set an intention for all the major aspects of my life. I am starting to read the book again from page one and am ready to logically come up with a set of intentions for my life. This book is totally awesome!! I am deeply grateful to Boni for sharing “The Map” with all of us!”

S. Roberston via Amazon.com4/20/2013


“Boni Lonnsburry has written a very accessible method of bringing consciousness to creating one’s life.  The Map is very deep yet readable, and easy to use as a guidebook for life creation.  Good for the beginner as well as longtime students of metaphysics.  I highly recommend it!”

Victoria Moore via No date


“I consider this book a “must read” for anyone who wants to take more ownership of their life and manifest their dreams.  I’ve known Boni for over 20 years and have continually been amazed at her dedication to understanding reality creation, and her ability to create her dreams.  She and her life have been an inspiration to me, and I am so excited that she has put so much of what she has learned into The Map.  This book covers the waterfront of reality creation in a style that is easy to read while also containing many nuts and bolts techniques for actually implementing changes to one’s reality.  For example, The Map shows the reader how to set intentions, understand and work with the various aspects of self, change beliefs (very important), ask for help from “unseen friends,” take actions, shift self image, and flow energy towards the desired reality.   Adding to the richness of the material are illustrations from Boni’s own life in each of these areas.  The Map also underscores the importance of working with emotions as a reality-creating mechanism. If you have any desire to change your life for the better, I think you owe it to yourself to read this book.”

Charles Horne via No date


“The Map” Celebrity Endorsements



“Reading The Map is like having a dream coach on speed dial. Boni Lonnsburry makes it possible, first, to grasp the astonishing fact that we create our own reality (yes, all of it). She then guides us in proven ways to work with that incredible truth to manifest both the cash and prizes of life, and the even more meaningful satisfaction and peace that attracted them in the first place.”

– Victoria Moran, best selling author of Creating a Charmed Life

Buy “The Map”




“The MAP is beautifully named, as it offers the potential for you to go anywhere your heart desires.  This is a complete, well-organized, valuable, practical guide to experience fulfillment in your life.  The thing I loved most about The Map is how simple it was to understand and how easy it is to follow. This book has the potential to be one of the most profound books ever in the field of personal transformation.  Highly recommended!”

– Peggy McColl, New York Times Best-Selling Author

Buy “The Map”




“This book ROCKS! I am no stranger to the Law of Attraction—but the way Boni puts The Map together is so fun, easy, and user-friendly that I couldn’t wait to do the exercises (and that hardly ever happens)! Boni’s refreshing take on spirituality and manifesting is going to help catapult countless lives!”

– Linda Sivertsen, bestselling author,

Buy “The Map”




“Believe it or not, your life can be happier, healthier, and more fun. Run—don’t walk—to get your hands on a copy of The Map. In this well-crafted and superbly organized book, Boni Lonnsburry presents an easy-to-follow guide for consciously creating the life of your dreams. Step-by-step instructions are seamlessly interwoven with examples, anecdotes, and personal stories. From the first page, you’ll be inspired to write your intentions, rework your beliefs, and be open to miracles. Follow The Map, and you will manifest your deepest desires!”

~Meadow Linn, Author of The Mystic Cookbook and Quest: A Guide for Creating Your Own Vision Quest ~

Buy “The Map”




Are you motivated to change your life but don’t know where to start?  Have your heard about the Law of Attraction, think you use it, but keep coming up short?  Then The Map – To Our Responsive Universe, Where Dreams Really Do Come True by Boni Lonnsburry is your step-by-step guide to consciously creating a life you love.

The author lost it all.  Her career, her family, her financial security yet was determined to be grateful for a $164/week paycheck from a temp job.  If you’re far from where you want to be, as she was, then join her on a journey to where you want to be.  “The Map” provides both understanding of why you’ve created the reality you’re experiencing right now and how to consciously create the reality you want.  This author went from barely being able to pay the rent to having homes in the Bahamas and the Colorado mountains and flying between both by private jet.  Along her journey she met the love of her life and experiences joy in every moment.

Throughout the book there are simple and effective tools to help you decide what you want, devise your intentions to create it and fun exercises to flow the energy to your dreams.  What I love most is that Ms. Lonnsburry lists out about every situation we might want to change and gives us suggestions on how to change our thoughts & intentions to serve us better.  She does so with a refreshingly honest approach that enables the reader to laugh along the way. That’s a blessing for anyone who has been struggling for way too long.

What makes this book so different from all the other Law of Attraction books out there is that it’s practical, simple and written by an inspiring woman who doesn’t just talk about it… she lives it.  You have to do the foundational work in this book and use the exercises consistently. However, it is your life, and if you want to create a life you love, then you need “The Map.” You’ll never be lost in life again!

~ Cheryl Maloney – # 1 Best Selling Inspirational Author, Talk Show Host, Writer, Coach & Speaker


Title: The Map
Subtitle: To Our Responsive Universe, Where Dreams Really Do Come True!
Genre: Self-help/Spirituality/New Age
ISBN: 978-0-9890594-0-4
No. of pages: 376
Formats available: Paperback, Kindle, Epub
Publisher: Inner Art Inc. Release date: May 9, 2013
Distributors: New Leaf, Ingram, Baker & Taylor & Itasca Books, PEN International Pte. Ltd, DeVorss & Company
Price Paperback: $14.95

The Map To Abundance Workbook

The companion guide to The Map to Abundance: The No-Exceptions Planner For Creating Money, Success, & Bliss

In this companion workbook to the international sensation, The Map to Abundance: The No-Exceptions Guide to Creating Money, Success, & Bliss, you will do the practical work of creating abundance in your life on every level so you can have the abundant life you were born to live!  Workbook is available in paperback or PDF with fillable fields to type directly into and save to your device.


March 27, 2019

Boni Lonnsburry has done it again with this great tool! If you want to increase the abundance in your life, this workbook is a wonderful tool to help you create more abundance in your life. I highly recommend this as well as all of the other Boni Lonnsburry books. The material is absolutely incredible!

The Map Workbook

The companion guide to The Map: To Our Responsive Universe – Where Dreams Really Do Come True!

The Map has changed tens of thousands of lives. And creating your “dream come true” just got a lot easier. Workbook is available in paperback or PDF with fillable fields to type directly into and save to your device.


    • How to (Gently) Banish Flow-Stoppers
    • How to Discover the Foundational Beliefs That Stop You in Your Tracks
    • How to Test Whether You Have a Belief
    • How to Drill Down to Discover Your Core Belief
Reader Reviews

Reader’s Comments About The Map Workbook

“Wow! I have already had 2 major epiphanies and I am only in the third section! Phenomenal!”

Cari via 12/18/2015


“I am enjoying this book. It is amazing how well it is working to get me focused…and I stay there.”


Nonna via 12/18/2015


Messages from Your Unseen Friends – Volume I

What are your UNSEEN FRIENDS telling you?

YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Every one of us has a divine support team just waiting to help us create the life of our dreams. Your spirit guides, including your higher self, future self, guardian angel, subconscious mind, soul, and spirit, as well as God and The Goddess, are always by your side, ready to share their messages of love, light, and possibility. The messages in this book are channels through which you can access their wisdom, ask for their help, and begin to remember what you really came to Earth to do: create the very best possible life.

THESE MESSAGES ARE MEANT FOR YOU! Each contains the kernels of truth you need to hear to tap into your personal power, change your unhelpful beliefs, and unlock your creative potential. The words of your Unseen Friends will remind you that you are loved, that you are worthy, that you are divine … and, most importantly, that YOU CREATE IT ALL!


Reader Reviews

“I bought this new book as soon as it came out. I use it as a type of “devotional”, letting the universe speak to me through it daily, and it is ALWAYS exactly what I need for that moment. Thank you so much for this. I love it!”

Karmen via 12/21/2015


“ Bravo! I am so happy for you. Mark and I are loving your first book, and I am so excited about how many lives will be touched and changed by this new one, your second. Much love to you. xo.”

Auriela via 12/6/2015


“Love the impact you are making on the world, Boni”

 Wayne via 12/4/2015


“Some of my family are open to this sharing of yours and I am gifting them your book. Thank you very much for making it available.”

Bob via 12/1/2016


“Messages from your Unseen Friends (Volume One)by Boni Lonnsburry contain healing messages such as pages 51- 52 of a letter from the future self, page 49 truly believing you are deserving (which I recently learned from firsthand experience I must frequently work towards believing I’m deserving and have faith in myself regardless of how many others believe in me, (starts on page 47)your almost dreams where they are close to coming true but where a person must avoid pulling back on/giving up on and to instead persist/persevere in pursuing said dreams (something I’m very grateful to have come across as I’m now aware that dreams (especially career and/or financial dreams)sometimes can take even years and/or sometimes even decades to manifest but they are important to still avoid giving up on even in the face of unexpected setbacks, healing your child self (starts on page 45), and starting on page 44 on what made me both smile and laugh at the same time (time for an update which I intend to definitely work with my higher self/my intuition, angels, and team of spirit guides/spirit helpers on), (page 63) following your intuitive guidance to decoding your destiny, (page 73) Divine Timing especially as it relates to manifesting dreams and making strong contact with one’s team of spirit helpers and their higher self and so much more uplifting information.”

Stella via 1/9/2016


“A great little book with plenty of positive messages to help you look st life slightly differently. Thank you Boni!”

Lisa via 9/23/2016


“Beautiful book to remind yourself how much you are loved and needed on this planet. Short chapters make for an easy read. I like to select a random page and read. Nice to have in my library.”

Sherry via 12/2/2015


“I read this book almost every night! Love!”

Lori via 8/23/2016


“Loved it so much I had to buy a copy for a friend. I plan on buying a couple more to pass on.”

Mary via 2/19/2016


“This is one of the most practical spiritual infused books I have read in years.”

Dr. Reenahon via 2/14/2016


“Nicely written, moves you to your very soul!”

Amazon Customer via 2/8/2016


“Excellent book, well researched, enjoyable read, get yours soon!”

Celeste via 12/18/2015


Messages from Your Unseen Friends – Volume II

More Miraculous Messages from Your Unseen Friends!

You have a divine support team that is always by your side, ready to help you create the life of your dreams. Your higher self, guardian angel, subconscious mind, soul, and spirit, as well as God and The Goddess, love you unconditionally; they are only waiting for you to call on them so they can help you transform your reality into a glorious bouquet of success, fulfillment, fun, and abiding love.

In this second volume of messages, you will find new kernels of deep truth and divine wisdom from all of your Unseen Friends, ready for you to access when you need them most. Your Unseen Friends know where you’re going and why, and can make it much easier for you to create everything you desire. Their words will remind you that you are loved, that you are powerful, that you are divinely guided … and, most importantly, that YOU CREATE IT ALL!

Life on Planet Earth: A User’s Manual

Life on Planet Earth is a short, sweet, funny, and inspired manual that gives the reader insight into how to create your dream life. It will make you think, laugh and open the door to the life of your dreams. But most of all, it will empower you, and lead you to the next step…The Map, Boni Lonnsburry’s step-by-step guide that will help you define and then build your dream life (whether you know what you want yet or not) by learning and perfecting the process of conscious creation.








“I loved this little book! It takes a light, funny but truthful look at the paradigm of living on Earth in a human body. It basically takes the universal truths about Universe, Earth, life and existence and displays it in a humorous fashion. A much needed break from all the serious book on the subject that I have read. But it isn’t without a message: what this little gem tells you is that you should enjoy your time spent here and have fun!”
 ~ Luka Maras, 5-star Amazon Reviewer

“This is a great book for anyone who wants to consciously create! Boni does a fantastic job of infusing joy and inspiration into a book that is a simple read, but with larger implications. It’s a stepping stone to her wonderful book ‘The Map.’ If you are into Abraham Hicks, the Seth material, the Law of Attraction, Science of Mind… you will dig this!” ~ Cecilia, 5-star Amazon Reviewer

“Reading this little ebook is the best spent 20 minutes of my year so far. Boni has a special knack for clarifying ‘The Big Questions’ in a way that few others who have made the attempt ever achieve. Shining through all of her work, including this short summary of her world-wisdom, is the warm assurance that the best is yet to come; that we are all placed here on earth to create a loving, positive experience; and that it can all be so clear if we only choose to see. The ebook is an excellent preparation before diving into the work of ‘The Map’. Thank you, Boni!” ~ Rob in Virginia, 5-star Amazon Reviewer


Title: Life on Planet Earth
Subtitle: A User’s Manual
Genre: Self-help/Spirituality/New Age
ISBN: 978-0-9890594-4-2
No. of pages: 24
Formats available: Kindle, Epub
Publisher: Inner Art Inc.
Release date: May 9, 2013
Distributors: Amazon