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posts on When bad things happen

Not many years ago, I filed for bankruptcy. How, you may ask, can one who purports to know “reality creation” have sunk so low? Easy really – I got caught up in lack and scarcity. Nearly everything in my life was changing quicker than I could assimilate it. I became

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Dear Boni, I realize I have a belief: “In order to cultivate compassion and to help people, I have to suffer their suffering.” Basically, I believe that by suffering I can be on the same frequency as other human beings and therefore be able to communicate to them. If I

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A 16-year-old friend of mine was fast asleep in my guest room when a miss-set alarm clock began ringing loudly in the middle of the night. The next day he told me how the sudden noise threw him into a state of panic, “I thought it was the scream of

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I hear you say you want your life to settle down and for things to go smoothly. But week after week, month after month, year after year, while there may be different players and different facts, it’s always the same old story. You may as well face it—chaos, for you

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The brutal death of George Floyd on May 25th 2020 by a white police officer was beyond discriminatory—it was barbaric and hateful—and it was indicative of the deep level of racism permeating the United States and the world.  It was this murder that began to wake people up on this

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