The film, “The Secret” grossed over $65 million at the box office. The book by the same name sold more than 19 million copies. A lot of people now know about the Law of Attraction. Then: Why are 60% of Americans so unhappy with their work life they would choose
[...]Hi Boni, I recently became interested in the law of attraction. Then, I found your page! I was ecstatic to find a method to help me move past the negativity in my life. A few days later I felt like the darkness hit me (times 10!) and has put me
[...]Dear Boni, Is the Universe working on my dreams? Signed ~ Beautiful Dreamer Dear Beautiful Dreamer, Yes. The same way you could ask, as you send a document from your computer to your printer, “Is the computer working on my document?’” The universe has no choice but to work on
[...]I remember the first time I read a book about conscious creation. I was flabbergasted. I had been a “you show it to me and I’ll believe it” kind of person. I thought you created things in your life by hard work and education and a few lucky breaks. I
[...]Attracting a loving partner is a dream of many. There is something quite wonderful in sharing love, caring, and intimacy with another human being. But many creators get stymied by the “action” step while creating love. For those of you who have read The Map, you already know that creating something
[...]The universe responds and sends you messages all the time. Everything you see “out there” is a response to what you are thinking, feeling and believing. But here is the really exciting news—you can make your world change within hours. That’s right. You can do a technique and watch your
[...]You have the power of the gods—the ability to make magic from nothing except your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. Yours is an astonishing superpower. It doesn’t get better than this. However, when you look at your life… is it amazing? Not totally, eh? One thing I know for sure is: