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Attracting a loving partner is a dream of many. There is something quite wonderful in sharing love, caring, and intimacy with another human being. But many creators get stymied by the “action” step while creating love.

For those of you who have read The Map, you already know that creating something out of thin air is a process. The process begins with knowing who you are. From there you move to Desire! And you write your intentions.

After you’ve clarified what you want it’s time to Flow Energy towards your dream with techniques. But in this step it’s just as important to stop flowing energy to what you don’t want, even subconsciously. That’s why taking a look at your beliefs is so critical.

Then comes the Action step—taking action in the world towards your dream. This step is sometimes difficult because many can’t imagine the actions they might take. So I’ve made it simple for you.

Here are twenty action steps to create and attract the love of your life:

1.    Ask someone (anyone) for a date. It isn’t about him/her being “the one”. It is about practicing being authentically you in a dating situation.
2.    Make space in your home for him/her. Make room for his/her clothes, toiletries, etc.
3.    Read books on all aspects of relationships – finances, communication, etc.
4.    Read romance novels/watch love story movies.
5.    Make a list of things you’d love to do as a couple (pretend money is no object).
6.    Go to open houses to get ideas of where you’d like to live when you’re in a committed partnership. You’ll have two incomes!
7.    Join single groups or events in your area. These are run by churches, businesses, cultural establishments or independently.
8.    Feng Shui your home for a new partnership.
9.    If you like to cook, plan the meal you’ll have for “the one” the first time you invite him/her to your home. Try it out on a friend.
10.    Get out and do what you love to do. Passionate life-loving people are attracted to passionate life-loving people. (While you are having fun imagine your partner out having fun too knowing you’ll meet up later to excitedly tell each other about your days.)
11.    Take a dance class to prepare for your new dance partner.
12.    Buy new lingerie. J
13.    Sexy up your bedroom.
14.    Prepare your home with comfy “together” sitting areas. Cozy places to curl up and read, watch a movie, eat a meal, watch a sunset or just talk.
15.    Take a class on the enneagram or astrology so you will be able to understand your partner-to-be on a deeper level.
16.    Join an online dating service if you aren’t meeting people other ways. Be clear on what you want, but be open. Approach each meeting as if you were considering someone to be your friend, not your mate—take the pressure off and let it just be fun.
17.    Make room in your schedule for a mate. Cut back on work if you work over 40 hours a week. Spend some nights and weekends alone.
18.    Begin to socialize more with couples, not just singles.
19.    Write a letter to the universe ordering the love of your life. Detail the emotional states you will feel when he/she shows up and if you have any attributes you’d like to list, list them, but try and let the universe handle the details. Mail the letter. (Yes, I know the post office can’t deliver to the universe. It’s symbolic.)
20.    Start a list of cool presents to give your lover. Of course, you don’t know him/her yet but you still can start it…here’s an idea to begin: For his/her birthday, give your love a handmade book or card with 35 (or however many) reasons you love them (assuming it is their 35th birthday).

Now remember, if you find yourself resisting taking action steps you may want to check your beliefs. You will need to bring your dreams into the world with action, and if you can’t find an action that you feel inspired to take, you probably don’t believe it’s possible.

So have fun with these…and if you can think of more action steps to create a love of your life, please leave them in the comments.

With love,

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