If you’ve realized that one of the major obstacles to getting what you want is wrapped up in feeling inadequate, not valuable, or somehow less-than, you are dealing with feeling unworthy. These feelings of unworthiness are what I call a “core belief” and can start forming as early as childhood.
I spent some time recently with a little girl dear to my heart. I spoke to her about her gifts, talents, and strengths.
“You are kind, caring, smart, loving, giving, funny, fun to be with, and so many other wonderful things!” I said.
She looked at me and stared into my eyes.
“What?” I asked, “Did one of those things surprise you?”
“Yeah,” she replied, “You said ‘smart’.”
And she is smart. But she doesn’t see herself that way due to a learning disability. It broke my heart.
Human beings are fragile—especially as children. It doesn’t take much to dash a child’s self-worth, and if that harm isn’t repaired, we bring it into adulthood as a core belief about who we are—and it sabotages everything.
I received an email from a reader named Debbie who expressed these same feelings of unworthiness. And boy, I feel Debbie’s pain. I spent decades feeling the same sense of unworthiness. And I put on the same brave, happy face that she does. We can appear successful but this underlying belief will get in the way of creating a life we truly adore.
The wonderful thing is… it is possible to change core beliefs! Watch this video for my answer on how Debbie, and the rest of us, can change feelings of unworthiness to feelings of absolute worthiness. Your entire reality will change when you do.
Have you had any beliefs around money, or relationships or other things you want to create that you’ve felt unable to change because of your underlying sense of unworthiness? Were you able to change that belief that you were unworthy and see positive results? I’d love to hear your story . . .
Thanks so much for joining me here.
With lots of love,
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