Maybe you can’t get a degree, run a marathon or meet your soulmate today. But if you want a better life—to be happier, more prosperous, have more love, more fun, better health, etc.—the power is within you to change your life. And you don’t have to wait. There are things
The biggest misconception about the law of attraction is that once you know it exists you can simply choose a reality and it magically appears. That does happen sometimes—but rarely. More often than not we need to work diligently at making things manifest in our reality. That doesn’t mean it’s
Hello Boni! I have a problem. I know what I want out of this life—amazing love, great friends, travel experiences, laughter, meaningful conversations, just plain fun, losing pounds, gaining money and helping people get healthy. But I’m in a depressed and anxious rut. I’ve struggled with severe anxiety for eleven
Dear Boni, I need your help desperately; I don’t know what I did wrong! All of a sudden I have been creating the opposite of abundance. Money does not flow into my life like it did, and I am digging myself deeper and deeper in the hole. My finances are
Hi Boni, I recently became interested in the law of attraction. Then, I found your page! I was ecstatic to find a method to help me move past the negativity in my life. A few days later I felt like the darkness hit me (times 10!) and has put me
It’s inevitable. You will be faced with “half a dream” come true. You will say, “I created my dream, but…” As in: I met the man of my dreams… but he’s married. I was offered a job… but it pays half what I need. I met a friend who shares
A 16-year-old friend of mine was fast asleep in my guest room when a miss-set alarm clock began ringing loudly in the middle of the night. The next day he told me how the sudden noise threw him into a state of panic, “I thought it was the scream of