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Life is messy.  Oh it would be nice if it were all “Leave it to Beaver” polite and “Norman Rockwell” portraits. But it’s not. We screw up. We do things we regret. And others do some pretty nasty stuff to us. People can be unconscionable, rude, calculating, controlling, hurtful and shaming.

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The idea behind any “technique” is to shift your resonance to a higher level—in general or around a specific area. Sometimes techniques “focus” intense energy for a short period of time, such as the “One Minute Manifestor”. But sometimes techniques simply prompt you to flow some energy. “The Password Technique”

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People have been reading (and loving) “The Map”. And even though it is a complete practical guide to manifestation, questions still arise. Here are some of the most common: On Creating Your Own Reality Question: So, if I really believed this worked, I wouldn’t have to lock my doors, right?

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Most people hate the thought of money leaving their life. They cringe when the bills come in and resignedly write checks at the end of the month. What they don’t realize is, every time they think of money and feel lack, they are pushing away financial abundance. Every time. It

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They say when we dream of houses, the houses represent us. I think this is true, as I recall early on in my spiritual quest I would dream often of houses with hidden rooms or hidden wings. I think these dreams represented the parts of me I’d yet to uncover.

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When changing beliefs, three things are critically important: 1.    The old belief must ring true to you and have specific emotional meaning. 2.    The new belief must be in the realm of possibility. 3.    The old and new beliefs must be very similar as far as wording and cadence. But

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I have long maintained that the shower is a wonderful place to “consciously create your reality”. Take a look at the benefits: •  It’s something you do every single day, so it’s easy to be consistent. •  It’s enough time to focus and have impact on your world but not

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