Part I of 7 Steps to Healing Your Body Yes, we all face body challenges sooner or later. One savvy reader suggested changing that belief. And although theoretically you could—not all beliefs are worth the time and energy they would take to change—especially when they serve you. What! Illness serves
[...]Have you ever thought about how fun it would be if all you had to do to manifest your dreams were to fill out an order form and send it to The Universe? I’m not sure if the mail would deliver it, or if it would take a carrier pigeon,
[...]Dear Boni, Can people miraculously cure themselves using your methods? Can people say, regrow lost limbs because they change their beliefs? How do you know when you are giving people something impossible to strive for? Can people use conscious creation to walk after being wheelchair bound their entire
[...]Dear Boni, I agree with so much you have to say. But I wish someone would write a book that doesn’t rely on God or Goddess—because no matter how I try to make myself, I don’t believe in him or her. I am tired of feeling like a bad person
[...]Who doesn’t love Buddha? Whether you’re a devout Buddhist or you just feel the love and peace when gazing upon his image, Buddha touches us. The name “Buddha” means “the enlightened one.” And enlightened he was, especially for 2,500 or so years ago. In fact Buddha was so impressive, that an entire
[...]Is The Law of Attraction The Only Law In our Universe? A reader writes: I heard Oprah speak about the law of attraction. She said that, “It is not the only law in the Universe and we cannot expect it to answer every question we have even though it is
[...]If I’ve heard it once, I’ve heard it a hundred times, “But Boni, I followed everything in the book and it just isn’t working!” “It ALWAYS works,” I counter. Still it hadn’t work for them. And it may not be working for you. And, like everything, everywhere, everywhen, there is