Dear Boni,
My life is changing rapidly and everything I have intended is coming true! Should I be nervous that my creations are all happening like this?
It almost freaks me out a little bit. I am not fearful at all inside because I know this is all a journey, but it does kind of overwhelm me that I quite possibly can be THIS powerful? Any insight for me on this new feeling I have?
Successful & A Little Shocked
Dear Successful,
Your feelings are absolutely normal. I remember feeling exactly the same way with my first big wins. You are an immensely powerful divine being, having a physical lifetime where you are just discovering the implications of that divinity (meaning you have the ability of the gods and goddesses to create your reality) and that power (meaning there are no limitations on what you can create on this planet). Who wouldn’t be a bit overwhelmed when that knowledge sinks in?
First – Congratulations on your successes!
I know you haven’t been at this very long, and that you have allowed so many wonderful successes in your life and the lives of others near you is evidence of your courage and love for yourself and others. That is really awesome!
Second – Pay attention to your reality and your emotions.
I suggest that you to pay attention to whether you see any signs of difficulty or a snapback. In other words, things going wrong or recurring fear or anxiety.
Remember, this does not have to happen. And certainly, don’t expect it. But with some people it does. Why? Because sometimes we can’t sustain quick positive changes. Our realities get out ahead of who we think we are deep inside.
So if it does happen, just take some time to figure out why. Oftentimes it is because of a belief like:
“Things can only get so good.”
“I really don’t deserve to have everything wonderful.”
“Any day now, the other shoe will drop.”
And more importantly, a preventative measure: Work on your self-image every day (in the shower is a good time to do this), stretching into the being you want to be a year from now.
Third – You can always slow down or speed up growth.
Sometimes reality moves too quickly for all of us. But we have another choice other than just holding on for the ride. Just ask your higher self to slow things down a bit so you can catch your breath and integrate all the changes that have happened thus far.
Finally – Dream new dreams!
Some people who don’t do this tear down the dream they manifested just so they can create it again. Don’t let that be you. Enjoy what you created, own it, celebrate it, be grateful for it, and then dream the next dream. It doesn’t have to be for you, it could be for those you love, your community, or for the world. But your nature is to dream and create–remember that.
With love
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