Dear Boni,
What can you do for me that I cannot do for myself? And if your own life is not exactly as you yourself wish it all of the time, what impels you to believe that you can help any one else “create” their personal reality?
I can do nothing for you that you cannot do for yourself. You have everything within you to succeed in creating a dream come true for yourself, your loved ones and your world.
My question to you is – are you doing it?
If you are, clearly you do not require my assistance. Go – enjoy your life!
If you are not – then maybe you, like I did, can learn from and receive help from others. If my words speak to you, wonderful – I am grateful and honored. If not, keep looking (and asking) for those that will.
We are not in this alone. There is more help out there for us than our (relatively) tiny human brains can grasp. Why not receive it?
I have learned from many teachers. Some were teachers for a day, an hour, or less. Others have been with me for more than three decades. Some of my students were also my teachers. And for some of my teachers I have been a teacher to as well.
That said, I don’t think anyone who calls themselves a teacher is necessarily helpful. And while one teacher may be helpful to one, at one level of growth, to another that same teaching could be harmful.
Discernment is very important. Never automatically take a teacher’s truth as your own – try it on. Think about it. Feel through it.
My personal litmus test is: Is my life changing for the better? Whether for a moment, because someone’s words made me feel lighter, or forever, because someone’s technique to access my own power worked.
Teachers don’t do it for us, but make it easier and hopefully more fun to do it for ourselves. Earth can be a difficult place to remember who you are. Personally I’ll take all the help I can get!
In joyous creation,
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