The law of attraction is the best-kept secret in the world. We’re not taught about it as children—most of us grow up believing our world is a result of simple cause and effect.
And then we come across the astounding information that we create it all—and we are amazed, and excited and quite honestly, stunned.
But what if it isn’t true? What if it’s all just wishful thinking? Won’t you feel silly believing in a fairy tale?
Well, the crazy part is, if you don’t believe it will work, it will seem not to work—because your beliefs will create it appearing not to work.
So which is it? Yes or no? If you’ve ever wondered about the validity of the law of attraction, this video is for you:
It’s so important to honor where we are in our beliefs about creating our world. And if you want to strengthen the belief that you do create it all, change the belief that says you don’t create it all.
Remember, you can hold two beliefs at the same time. Changing the negative one strengthens the positive one. You can learn how to change a belief here.
And for those who want to read the article referenced in the video, Skeptical? Join the Club, you can read it here.
I would love to hear from you in the comments below…
Did any of you have similar doubts when you were first beginning to consciously create? If so, how did you overcome them? What you share could really help someone who is facing his or her own doubts.
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With love,
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