We’ve been living in darkness on this planet. Few have discovered the fact that we do create our own realities and fewer have successfully applied it to all aspects of their lives. What makes this concept even more confusing, is that many have written and spoken about it in half
Lately I’ve been hearing from people who are unhappy about where they work. One writes, “I picked my career almost 20 years ago because that was all I wanted to do. Lately it has transformed to something I dread. Not that the nature of work has changed, I still love
It sucks when you hate your life—even when you hate part of your life. After you discover that you create your own reality, it can be doubly frustrating, because then you know that you are creating it—consciously or unconsciously. So, if you find yourself doing what you hate and you
See Part 1 of 10 Steps to Create a Career You Love here. Creating a career you love is one of the most valuable ways you can spend your time. It will pay off for years to come and it is the first step toward creating a life that is wonderful
Who doesn’t love Buddha? Whether you’re a devout Buddhist or you just feel the love and peace when gazing upon his image, Buddha touches us. The name “Buddha” means “the enlightened one.” And enlightened he was, especially for 2,500 or so years ago. In fact Buddha was so impressive, that an entire
Is The Law of Attraction The Only Law In our Universe? A reader writes: I heard Oprah speak about the law of attraction. She said that, “It is not the only law in the Universe and we cannot expect it to answer every question we have even though it is
December 21, 2012. The end of the Mayan calendar and (supposedly) the end of the world. Those Mayans were smart dudes (and dudettes). They knew something was going to change in our world. And they knew the world wouldn’t (and couldn’t) continue on the path it was going. But exactly