Dear Boni,
There is something I cannot understand about the Law of Attraction.
It is often said that God/the Universe/your Subconscious gives you what you focus on; without judging whether it is good for you or not.
But then on the other hand, it is also often said that you have to add, “for the highest good of all concerned.”
I have also heard it said that, “if it is not for your highest good, it will not happen.”
Okay, but if God/the Universe/your Subconscious does not judge what is right or wrong in giving you what you are focusing on, then who gets to decide what is or isn’t for your highest good?
I do hope you can help me with this.
Many thanks in advance and best regards,
Confused in Belgium
Dear Confused,
I understand your confusion! Accepting those concepts at face value would confuse anyone. And kudos to you for questioning what doesn’t seem to make sense.
I believe our universe does make sense—all of it. And whenever it doesn’t appear to make sense, it is simply showing us that we need more clarification, information or understanding.
I think first, it is helpful to understand…
Who Does What
God, the universe and your subconscious are not one in the same, although many, in attempting to explain the nature of reality, have used them interchangeably.
Think of the universe as a computer. What you type into your keyboard (or put into the universe energetically) shows up on your screen (or in your world).
And extending the analogy, think of your subconscious as the software in your computer. As you change your software (your subconscious beliefs) you change what shows up on your screen (or in your world).
And think of God and Goddess as the manufacturer of the computer and software (creator of your universe). He and/or She can send updates (or miracles) to make your outcome even better than you thought possible.
Obviously the analogy only goes so far. But I hope this clarifies a bit for you, because it isn’t just that we create it all—it’s that we create it all and sometimes we receive unexpected and unasked for help (miracles).
I hope this clarifies the process a bit. And now, back to your question…
Who Judges Our Highest Good?
No one judges our highest good. I think “it won’t happen unless it’s for your highest good” is a copout. It’s very similar to “if it’s meant to be it will happen”. I think these are handy answers for tough questions that people don’t know the answers to. But you know something they don’t …
We create our own realities. Yes, we receive help. Yes, we can co-create with our unseen friends, but there is no one judging what we can have, or can’t have, or what is for our “highest good.”
Whatever happens in your life, good or bad, you can decide to make it for your highest good, by learning from it if it’s something you don’t like, and changing it to something good, or, if it’s good, accepting it and owning that you created it.
And as to the second part of your question…
Adding “For the Highest Good of All”
If you’re acting and creating out of self-love, you can’t help but impact others positively, and you will be creating for “the highest good of all.” You see, we are all connected—each and every one of us, and each and every thing in the multiverse. You cannot do something positive for yourself without affecting everything positively. It is impossible.
I suspect people started adding that phrase for the same reason I suggest adding “with harm to none” to your intentions (in the beginning)—to make certain any subconscious belief that hasn’t been discovered yet can’t sabotage an outcome.
If it feels good to you to add either phrase, then by all means do. Listening to your own heart and mind is the most important thing of all.
I hope these answers bring some clarity for you. And please do keep on questioning what doesn’t make sense to you. When you become clear, your energy becomes more powerful, and your manifestations can be faster and easier than ever before.
In joyous creation,
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