When I talk about a bad day, I really don’t mean a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. And I don’t mean tragedy. Those days do require attention but not this type of attention. They first require healing, then attention.
When I write about having a bad day, I mean things happening in your reality that you would rather didn’t I’m talking about days that seem to manifest exactly what you don’t want. I am talking about days where you just can’t find your happy. Are they horrible? No. But do you want to change them? YES!!
So, once you have thought about the suggestions in Part 1, here are some action steps to shift that energy to make tomorrow and incredibly delicious day.
1. Stop – Negativity creates negativity. It can easily spin into a dark and ominous spiral that leaves us feeling helpless and hopeless. First find refuge – a quiet place in which you can regroup. Most often days that “get away with us” have lots going on. When your day is going places you’d rather it didn’t find a place to be alone. Before I had a private office at work, this “alone place” didn’t have many options if I needed to stop my spiral while at work. What did I do? I went to the ladies room. It wasn’t much on ambiance but I could be alone. When you get to your alone place, take some deep breaths. And…
2. Reflect – Why have I created this? Am I simply falling in line with what someone else is feeling and thinking – a boss, a partner, a friend, a stranger? Did I let one little thing that happened today dictate where my thoughts, emotions and reality went from there? Or, is my reality trying to tell me something else – about my beliefs, my thoughts, and my expectations about what is possible and/or what I deserve? It IS all an illusion folks. And you do need to take responsibility for it – all of it. The reasons for negative things happening are as varied as stars in the sky. But you will never become clear on why things are happening to you until you give yourself this space to reflect upon them. And then….
3. Choose – What do you need to do? Simply choose this day anew? If so, just say (in your mind) something like, “OK Higher Self, I choose to experience joy now.” And it’s okay to add, “Please help me with that?” Of course feel free to insert your unseen friend of choice in the above. There are tons there to help… it doesn’t matter whom you ask. But asking is so cool – because they are there and they have the ability to help and therefore, why not??
And when isn’t a choice enough?
Sometimes it isn’t enough to choose to have a better day. Sometimes you need to go deeper. How do you know when? Well, when simple choices aren’t doing it.
Your reality is ALWAYS the barometer. If everything is going well, great! Keep doing what you’re doing. If it is not going as well as you imagined, take another look.
Something is amiss in you. It is always your creation. And if a choice isn’t having enough effect, and you’ve given your story/image an overhaul, then maybe a belief is in your way. If so, change that sucker. You deserve nothing less than a life of your dreams. Be relentless in pursuing that. It IS possible. And YOU are the one who can make it happen.
In joyous creation,
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