Okay, so you have a dream. And you really, really want it. You want it so badly you can taste it. You can barely think of anything else, because this dream obsesses you. But alas, no matter how many times you turn it over in your head, you simply cannot
[...]Dear Boni, There is a man in my life whom I adore, although he has some traits that I find troublesome—namely his lack of commitment. How do I get him to be more attracted to me and ultimately, commit to me? Signed, Unlucky in Love _____________________________ Dear Love, First of
[...]The average person works 1,700 hours per year. Most people spend more hours working than at any other (conscious) activity they do. Work you hate is a life sentence. Work you love sets you free. Some people are lucky—they find a job they love early on and every day is
[...]Dear Boni, I’m a college student who wants to study hard and work hard to receive good grades but I don’t feel much motivation to get my work done. My dream is to sing and make music for a living. I’m a journalism major, and I know I love writing
[...]Dear Boni, Is the Universe working on my dreams? Signed ~ Beautiful Dreamer Dear Beautiful Dreamer, Yes. The same way you could ask, as you send a document from your computer to your printer, “Is the computer working on my document?’” The universe has no choice but to work on
[...]You create your own reality. Whether you believe it or not, it is a fact. If you think it’s all a bunch of hooey… it matters not. You still create it all. On the other hand, knowing you create it all doesn’t really change anything either. I have known hundreds
[...]Intentions are a critically important step in creating a dream life come true. But if you’ve never written them before, it can be daunting. Here are some sample intentions to inspire you to write your own: Overall Intention: I intend to experience greater and greater levels of magic, fun, creativity, connectedness with the