Dear Boni, How do you deal with the chaos? It seems like changes are coming into my life in just about every arena. My business is growing but demanding I learn much more intensive bookkeeping practices, my home is being repaired and improved but demanding all kinds of old stuff
[...]I don’t know of a single adult who feels they had a father who really deeply and functionally loved them. Well, ok, I know of one… but not personally. I dissociated most of my childhood. My brothers have so many more memories than I. My first memory of my father
[...]Lately I’ve been hearing from people who are unhappy about where they work. One writes, “I picked my career almost 20 years ago because that was all I wanted to do. Lately it has transformed to something I dread. Not that the nature of work has changed, I still love
[...]Have you ever wondered how teachers and channeled beings know truth? Have you ever wanted to know truth yourself—to learn how to become a “gifted one”? This video explores the topic of inner growth, recognizing truth, and learning to trust ourselves and others as Boni answers today’s question, “Are you human?” After
[...]Dear Boni, If this is all a dream, then it is up to us to attach our own meaning to it. And I think that is where I get stuck. Friends of mine with kids find meaning there, others find meaning making money, and some people let others decide what
[...]The only caveat to the truth that we create our own realities, is that we can’t control how it shows up. We can shift our vibration, thinking thoughts that feel good, changing the beliefs that stand in the way, but at the end of the day, the universe will deliver
[...]It boggles many a mind. We live in an abundant universe—really, we do. Look at the grains of sand on the beaches, the leaves on the trees, and the new ideas that keep showing up long past the days when you thought there couldn’t possibly be any more unique thoughts