Hello there,
You know, from our perspective, which goes waaaay back, it appears as if your life is on one long continuum. It is a continuum of love.
On one end, there is absolutely no love for yourself, and on the other there is unconditional total love for yourself. And as we observe you on this continuum, we see that your world reflects your level of self-love.
The more you love yourself, the more wonderful things you allow yourself. You allow more abundance, more joy, and more elegance and ease in every regard. The more you love yourself, the more you allow the healing and the beautiful manifestations that reflect that love and healing.
Now, we can hear you Friend, you are thinking, “Well, sounds great Angel, but exactly HOW do I do that?”
First, dear one, forgive yourself for all the places in your life that were less than beautiful. Forgive yourself for needing healing at all. For change always begins with forgiveness.
Next, be gentle with yourself. Treat yourself as if you were a vulnerable, innocent, loving, alien being, visiting this planet for the first time. Because, Friend, in a way that is what you are, as you unload the armor of your past, and begin to allow your true self to shine through.
I love you. More than you can know. I sooooooo love you.
Until we talk again, be gentle with you…
Your Guardian Angel
P.S. Also, honor yourself—your desires, your dreams, even your preferences. Ask yourself at every opportunity, “What would be the most joyful thing I could do right now?” And then, Friend, do it.
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