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Messages from your unseen friends | Receive the message you most need to hear



Hello there,

I hear you. I know you sometimes wonder if I do, and let me assure you. I do hear you. And I know, that right now, you’re focused on a part of your dream that is very important to you.

I feel your desire, I feel your yearning, and I feel your hope and wonder about this dream, dearest Friend.

I also feel your disappointment that it hasn’t fully happened yet. I feel that little bit of doubt that you have about whether it will happen. And yes, I even feel your fear (the fear that you don’t always want to admit you have) that it may never happen.

It’s okay to have these feelings dear one. You are human, after all, and you came to a planet where you are not encouraged to remember your power or how to access it.

But remember—time lag makes it seem as if nothing is happening “out there” even though you are bringing your dream closer and closer to you with each passing day—IF you hold the resonance.

So when you feel those feelings of disappointment, doubt and fear—let them pass through you like a summer storm. And then get back on track!

Because the whole point of coming here, dear one, is to create a life you adore. And you do that by feeling wonderful now. By feeling prosperous now. By feeling successful now. By feeling powerful NOW—NOW—NOW!

Yes, it is all about the now moment—so go ahead—take control of those thoughts and feelings NOW.

With great love,

Your Soul

P.S. I know you can do this Friend. You were born with the ability. But like any muscle…use it or lose it. ;)

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8 comments to " FROM YOUR SOUL "

  • Deepak

    Thankyou very much for all the love you’ve bestowed on me. I am so happy to have you for myself in all walks of life.

  • Carole

    How could you know this? But I guess I’m still not fully convinced … yet I am. I have been convinced for a long time! All of my life, actually. Thank you so much!
    I am looking forward to a miracle! Amen!

  • Jennifer L Ocasio

    Thank you for this message today. This is exactly where I am at in my journey.

  • Kimberly Spratt

    Thank You, My Soul, I LOVE You and I feel that I am reconnecting with you more Now rather than ‘out there’ I am also making better choices for Health, Wealth and Happiness.
    Much Love Always Kimberly

  • Dean

    Super duper inspiring! Thank you guys! I love your emails, always!!

  • dAnielle

    love this messege thank you it helps put things into perspective

  • MR Arthur

    Great message and very timely.

    • Karyn

      You are forever timely in my walk here on earth and I’m feeling slower than a snail after crawling & trying to walk thru hurricane forces attacking my mind, body & soul. TY for encouraging me to keep reaching my dream. I will get there

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