Hello there,
Sometimes it’s a challenge for me. On one hand, I’d like to wrap you in my wings and protect you from everything and anything that doesn’t make you happy.
On the other hand, I know who you are and what you are capable of. I’ve always known. And I’ve always been in awe.
I wish that you could see what I see in you. I wish you could see yourself through my eyes.
I see you as capable, strong and powerful.
I see your love—such an amazing capacity to love.
I see your ability to be crystal clear, focused and filled with resolve.
I see your desires and dreams—filled with such power, majesty and grace.
I see you as the artist of your life, with no exceptions.
You can change your world, Friend. You can change the world.
And you start by honoring, recognizing and loving yourself. Truly. You are wonderful in so many ways.
Are you perfect? Never—as long as you are human. Are you perfection personified—a sliver of God and The Goddess—having an imperfectly perfect experience? Yes. You are.
It’s time to wake up Friend. It’s time to start taking your life more seriously, as the gift it was intended to be.
And it’s time to stop taking life so seriously, and laugh and smile and fully enjoy it.
Life is a paradox. And therein lies the triumph—let both be true.
With great love and respect for you,
Your Guardian Angel
P.S. Love yourself a little more today, okay? For me? Because it would bring me great joy to see you do so.
How? Just give yourself a full minute (time yourself) to think of all the ways you are wonderful.
Then, later, do something just for you—something that really makes your heart happy. (I’m so excited—you couldn’t give me a better gift!)
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