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Messages from your unseen friends | Receive the message you most need to hear



Hello there,

I am so happy to be communicating with you, finally.

You see, I have been here, loving you, for eons – waiting for you to remember me. And now that you do, you can also remember “you”.

For “you” are a divine spark of consciousness that God and I created together. And what a fine job we did! You are a unique blend of your individual talent, strength, and gifts—filled with love, dreams, compassion, and character. I’m so proud of who you are and who you are becoming.

So please keep remembering who you are. And begin to dream bigger dreams Friend. For once you really remember, there will be no limits as to what you can create.

Forever yours,

The Goddess

PS I love you. Truly and deeply.

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5 comments to " FROM THE GODDESS "

  • Michelle Ward

    Ase’ Amen And So It Is!

  • Ainara

    Thank You. I love you more! And I send my love, light, peace, joy, abundance, freedom… to all reading these lines!!! Let’s celebrate the creation of a New world with all the beautiful things in it.
    Love to all! 💞💫🙏🏻🤗

  • Kimberly Spratt

    Thank You, I LOVE YOU, Truly & Deeply. Kimberly

    • JFalcon

      Thank you for this positive message today. I have had such turbulence in my life lately. I do believe that our holy father, my goddess and the angels are with us daily keeping us strong and able to overcome our obstacles and challenges. I love and praise my God and thank him daily.

      • Kimberly Spratt

        Thank You for sharing this, I have found it helpful to think about it in this way – ‘How Interesting’ – ‘just like the movies’ it brings me some perspective, when I remember how much our focus has been so ‘overwhelmed’ and our True Nature so ‘overlooked’ reflecting on this does bring me clarity and a feeling of ‘liberation’ this is a process of ‘Freeing’ The Heart that we are in, not a ‘sport’ or yet another battle or war that many have gotten accustomed to. With Much Admiration & Respect for All That We Are Going Through to Clear and HEAL the Planet. Love is Who We Are. YOU ARE LOVE. Much Love Always Kimberly

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