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Messages from your unseen friends | Receive the message you most need to hear



Hello there,

Certain times of year (and certain times of life) are busier than others, have you noticed? Sometimes it feels as if you have too much to do and too little time to get it done. And you start to feel stressed.

But hey, Friend, stress only produces more stress, remember?

And lets face it; this is your life we are talking about. Why live it with stress? Why go unconscious? Why not enjoy every single second?

I know from experience there IS a way out of the stress cycle. What is it?


You’ve got to stop, Friend. Take a breath, take a break—stop doing what you’ve been doing (running like crazy)—and just BE.

You could accomplish this a number of ways:

• Meditation – Quiet your mind and lift your light body to the realm of your unseen friends. Sit with them and let them love you.

Time out – Just sit and listen to music, or stare out the window, forgetting the world for 15 minutes.

Exercise – Move your body and slow your mind. Let the movement melt the stress and re-energize your being.

Nature – Allow the earth herself re-set your mind, body and spirit. Get outside and remember your connection to all that is.

And once you have stopped the stress cycle:

1.  Make a plan for what you need to get done:
If you write down your goals for the day and prioritize the top three, you are less likely to feel overwhelmed and stressed out.

2.  Set your intentions:
“I intend to feel peaceful, calm, clear and focused. I intend to set realistic goals and have fun doing all that I do.”

3.  Add a mantra:
“All I accomplish is exactly what I need to accomplish. Tomorrow is another day.”

4.  Ask for help:
“Higher self, please help me to stay solidly in the present moment, and to complete all I do with grace, ease, elegance and love. Thank you.”

You can live without stress Friend. I know because I’ve done it. But it won’t happen by itself.

You have to create it happening.

With so much love for you,

Your (stress-free) Future Self

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9 comments to " FROM YOUR FUTURE SELF "

  • Martina

    Great affirmation to know I am on the right path. Thank you very much!

  • Diane

    Perfect Divine Timing. Exactly what I needed to hear today. Thanks

  • Mama G

    Thank you for this timely reminder that I am one person who has lots of support to get all that needs to be done completed. When anxiety goes up, function goes down…not what I want!

  • Joanne Karmik

    This came at the right time.. I am so stressed now.. Thank You so much…….

  • Marie Lovato

    Amen ….Thank you for reminding me…. Good Timing a long distance move ….prayers for friend family son age 32 had massive heart attack, sure what will happen tonight,plus for her momma tomorrow we will have memorial to lay her to rest… Also prayers for other memorial this week as other friend is laying her 2nd son to rest ….bless them all including myself …. Much love with healing in hearts of all ❤❤❤❤

  • Dusty

    Perfect divine timing ☺

  • Bev Skinner

    This came just at the right time as I am moving house and getting stressed. It has reminded me the stress is not worth the hassle. Life should be less hassle.
    Thanks again

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