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Messages from your unseen friends | Receive the message you most need to hear



Hello there,

I write to you today to urge you to do a little “clearing out” up here. Not that I mind being full to the brim—but you might.

Friend you’ve been like a packrat over the years. You’ve held onto old beliefs about reality and about yourself. You’ve also stashed away some pretty ancient views about who you are and what you are capable of.

How are you going to move forward with all this baggage stored in me?

Time to let it go, Friend. Time to let it go.

And I know your next question is going to be, “But Subconscious Mind, how do I do that?”

Well, you could start by simply asking me to let go of what won’t serve you. And I can do that. But don’t undo my work by dragging it back in here, okay?

You’ve got to maintain a new image of yourself, Friend.

So when you get up in the morning, when you go to sleep at night, and when you take breaks from your activity throughout your day, check in with yourself. How do you see yourself in that moment? If you see the old self, you are putting that baggage back in the nooks and crannies of me, your subconscious mind.

If you see the new, creative, successful, authentic Friend…congratulations! You are keeping the baggage out and keeping me sparkling clean.

And remember Friend, you create new realities day by day—minute by minute. It’s a marathon—not a sprint.

I love you,

Your Subconscious Mind

22 comments add a comment


  • Karpanee Burke

    Amazing divine synchronicity and confirmation as this morning I awoke from a dream where I was totally and completely residing in my authentic , glowing, creative beautiful self. What others saw when they looked at me was this as well -I realized as it was reflected back to me.

  • Nancy Smith

    Thank you so very, very much. I have been struggling the last few days on which “therapies” to incorporate…..and I am TIRED. Tired of the search, tired of struggling to pound new beliefs into my mind. This is a BEAUTIFUL message. I will cherish it.

  • Jennifer

    I chuckled when it said , “…don’t bring it back in here.”

    I love these messages.

  • Gina

    I read this and say wow how true! I am going to do this each morning and evening before going to bed!

  • Dee

    Thanks again. Always the right inspiring appropriate response x

  • Debra

    My friend, I have missed your uplifting words! Thank you!

  • Mukhtar Akpopirebo

    That was timely and soul lifting. Thank you.

  • Mary

    Thank you so much, this was exactly the message I needed today.

  • susan cingari

    Kathleen you are very brave and show that its’ never too late to make positive changes

  • Jeanine

    The timing of this message is spot on! Thank you!!

  • Joanne

    I really needed this today.And to all the dear women who are going thru this journey,We are here for each other…….Thank you so much Boni……………

  • Ruth

    Thank you I love your messages! ❤️

  • Carol

    Perfect timing for this message – I really needed to read/hear it right now, at this point in time. As Connie mentioned in her comment, I, too, know that I am not alone in this journey. That means the world to me. Thank you so very much!!

  • Kathleen

    HOw can you be so spot on??!!!
    I am down-sizing from a very large home to a duplex, selling my home, almost divorced by my choice—may be by next week—have been married for 51 years as of this last Saturday—-am 72 years old—-surrounded by what appears to be effluvia—-working to let go of so much more—wanting to cross the barre. I dimmed my light so many years ago thinking that others would love me—there is a switch that I want to turn back on my bright and shining light and use the talents that God gave me—TODAY AND FOREVER MORE. Thank you for giving me the thoughts and energy to stride forward today.

    • Boni


      I am in awe of your courage. After 51 years of marriage to realize, “I dimmed my light so many years ago thinking that others would love me…” and say, No more! and start over…you rock! Sending you so much love and light to turn that light up to full force.

      with love,

  • Lisette

    I am so grateful… this is just what I need it today! ¡Gracias!

  • Kathi

    Thank you ❤️

  • connie

    Thank you! I am in tears! I needed this message today and thank you for the encouragement and reminders from SPIRIT. We are really all walking each other home and I am so appreciative of the days I receive your messages and feel connected and know I am not alone in my journey to (W)hol(i)ness. I am spending these last days of summer fasting and cleaning out the clutter in my body and in the outside realm in my home and office. Let it all go….freedom!….

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