Hello there,
Have you ever wondered why you sometimes ride an emotional roller coaster? Some days it’s easy to stay happy and filled with positivity and yet other days it’s a struggle (if not impossible) to remain optimistic and excited about the future?
This doesn’t happen by accident, Friend. Although it would be easier, in a way, to pretend it does.
It happens because you haven’t directed your emotions. You wake up in the morning in a neutral emotional state, and then you’re swept away in whatever wave of thought or information comes your way—and with every thought, comes an emotion.
So if you wake up, thinking, “Ho hum, another day…” the emotion of apathy follows, or dread, or boredom, or something similar. Or if you think about your problems, or potential problems, or what isn’t going right, or the terrible state of the world, again, constricting emotions will follow.
And (you’ve got to remember this, Friend) emotions create your world. Literally!
But you can take control of your emotions. You can be proactive!
You can choose how your day will go by setting intentions early on.
I intend that this day is filled with joy, excitement, possibilities, fun surprises, passion, prosperity and productivity.
You can meditate and allow the emotions you desire to wash over you.
Peace, love, serenity, excitement, passion, hope, joy, enthusiasm, optimism, abundance, etc.
You can affirm how you desire to feel throughout the day.
I am happy and excited about my life and I am becoming happier and more excited every day.
And, you can…
Ask me and your other unseen friends for help in creating your day.
Dear Spirit, Please help me to hold the resonance of joy, hope and positive expectations. Thank you.
Your life isn’t happening to you, Friend, you are materializing your life. But it won’t start shifting to more positive realities by itself—you have to take back the reins and direct your thoughts and feelings to what you want.
Now, can we get excited about this super-awesome universe you’ve gotten yourself incarnated into? I can’t wait to see the amazing life you dream up.
With lots and lots (and lots) of love,
Your Spirit
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