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Messages from your unseen friends | Receive the message you most need to hear



Hello there,

Sometimes I think you and I are playing hide and go seek. I feel you looking for me (and in all the wrong places).

To be “spirited” is to really come alive. While connecting with your soul is more contemplative and inner-focused—connecting with me is more “in the world”, excited and passionate.

And it’s a struggle sometimes—to feel spirited—isn’t it Friend?

And hey, that’s okay. There is a time and a place for everything. But if you want to really feel me, I have some suggestions that might make it easier:

1.  Stay here and now – You won’t find much passion multitasking your way through your to-do list while thinking about “what’s next”, have you noticed? Excitement only bubbles up when you can truly be in the now moment—being fully present and engaged in whatever it is you are doing, be it the morning dishes or a task at work. You’ll find magic wherever you go—if you are present and looking for it.

2.  Expect to be excited – Expectation is a powerful creator of realities. If you expect to be bored out of your skull, you will be. And if you expect every day to unfold into a myriad of wonders and a sprinkling of positive surprises, it will do that too. Begin to train yourself to expect miracles, delightful surprises, and that each day is more wonderful than the last.

3.  Go on regular “happy dates” – You need to give yourself the time and space to let me move through you, Friend. And one way that works really well is by going on “happy dates”. A happy date is taken alone. You give yourself one, two or three hours of time that is “special you” time.You can do whatever makes you happy—window shop, watch a movie, eat a really delicious treat, visit the zoo or an art gallery—the “what” doesn’t matter. What does matter is that you give yourself undivided time to deeply enjoy something special to you.

You’ll find magical things happen during “happy dates”—insights occur, synchronicities happen and yes, you’ll probably really enjoy them.

When you put your happiness first, the message you are giving your subconscious mind is, I deserve to be happy, to follow my passions and to feel alive.

Until we meet again…my unconditional love to you,

Your Spirit

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