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Messages from your unseen friends | Receive the message you most need to hear



Hello there,

I hear your thoughts going a mile a minute. I see the many options you have before you. And some days, I know that you are unsure about what to do next—which is the right choice—where to focus your time and energy.

Yes, I see you Friend, and I hear you—and through it all, I love you—so deeply. I love your spirit, your determination, your heart and your ability to keep dreaming, no matter what.

But remember, dear one, growth was never meant to be a struggle. LIFE was never meant to be a struggle. How do you decide what to spend each precious moment on? How do you decide where to focus your valuable energy?


1. Be proactive. Every day tell the universe what you want. Every day. Otherwise you are caught up in what is going on around you—which generally is chaotic.

2. Do what is most exciting. To the best of your ability. Do what you enjoy doing.

3. Change the beliefs that say you can’t (fill in the blank). You can do anything. You can create anything. If you don’t believe that—change those beliefs. It really is that easy.

If you follow these three suggestions, Friend, you will see great change.

You came here to learn and to grow. And you are doing splendidly. Keep up the great work—and expect, truly expect, life to change.

I do so love you!

Forever yours,

Your Soul

P.S. I can help you with all of your dreams, Friend. But I can’t be of much help unless you open the door and invite me in. I’m waiting—just on the other side of that door. Please ask—every day, every night—ask for my help. And I’ll be there—supporting, guiding, and whispering in your ear. I can’t do it for you, but I can give you lots of assistance!

41 comments add a comment

41 comments to " FROM YOUR SOUL "

  • Camie

    Thank you! Re-reading this wise note! Thank you for the support to keep my eyes on my head soul prize, the quality of life, kindness, growth, creativity. Sending lots of love to you!

  • Lori Leavitt

    I love you and the messages you send me. It makes my life so worthwhile. Thanks from the bottom of my heart

  • Liz

    Thank you for this message, I love taking the time to read these and it helps me to slow down. ❤️

  • PeterBoni

    Thanks ,always good to hear from you.

  • Sherill

    Thanks for the wonderful message..

  • Betty

    Thanking you for sharing your gifts of the soul. It’s very much appreciated. Love and

  • Sheelendra sharma

    I really love your regular email updates, but i truly do not know who you are and why you are sending these inspirational thoughts to all the people who are subscribed with you. But all i believe is whoever you are your heart is full of pain and you are really inspiring for all other people including me.

    • Boni

      Hi Sheelendra,

      Lets just say my heart has been full of pain. And I found a way to heal that pain. And now my joy and passion is to help others do the same. I’m really happy you find these emails inspiring. Thank you for taking the time to write to us!


  • Robin Benfer

    Thank you so much…I needed this!!!

  • vicky

    Suggest post plz which heal me to forget someone who is liear & cheater….plyz I need help

  • Lisa

    I need to make good choices and know it’s right. Sometimes I feel I don’t know the direction. I will open the door and let you help me:)

  • Melanie

    I love the gracious gift of support & the beautiful way my Heart knows it is what IS True to my Soul!.. Love this Space !

  • Debbie

    Thank you so much for this.

  • Marci

    Thank You so much, loved this!!!

  • Liz

    Thank you. Perfect timing as always. I had slipped into the chaos around me and was feeling what’s the point. This message is exactly the guidance I needed: Feel it, believe it and just go do it.

  • laura atkinson

    this is a brilliant message luv light and blessings x

  • Grateful.

    Thank you so much for these messages…I am overwhelmed to have these messages just at right time when I need to uplift my thoughts…thank you once again…:)..truly grateful..

  • Love this message. Just what I needed to hear today.


    Thank you so much for the beautiful message I wish I could do more with my life . I have a lot to offer the right person place and things please help me

  • Susan

    Thank you . Just not having the best day .

  • Dear Soul, I needed your input and there you were! I am growing fond of looking for your mail, it always seems to find me at the right moment. Today it brought tears to my eyes, I was overwhelmed with everything in my life, a lot is always going on in it. Some choices hard and some harder to make. I would love more one on one..emails…they help me to make my choices wisely. Thank You for being there for me! Love you too! ME…

  • Arabella

    Your emails come to me in some really dark times and have helped me exponentially! I have son going through chemotherapy and o feel so lost most of the time, not sure what to do next. I read this email today and it lights a spark in me.

    Thank you…
    Much love,

  • Christa

    Thank you so very much <3

  • Max

    Very appreciated.
    Thank you

  • Sherry Stearn

    Thank you for sending me this reminder that we are guided if we listen to spirit! Our dreams can manifest if we believe and trust in this!! With love and gratitude, Sherry

  • Khalid

    Thank you for such inspiring words. Such words lift one’s spirits.


  • Susan

    Thank you. I am sitting and thinking that things are getting overwhelming and then I get this message. Thank you for keeping me on track. I don’t want to waste my life worrying about things I can’t control. I will focus on the things I can and love myself and life. The power of the universe is unlimited.

  • Lesley

    Once again – perfect timing. Thank you very much. :). !!

  • Christine

    Thank you so much! These words help sooo much!

  • heather jane

    Thank you !
    I really needed to read that message today. Every day is a struggle at the moment.

  • Dee Davies

    Thank you xx

  • Yogibear52

    My Dearest Soul,
    Thank soooo much for your beautiful words that are heartfelt. Your message came to me right at the time I was feeling a little overwhelm about my day. Your words inspired me to continue to grow and not to give up on dreaming. I really thank you from the bottom of heart for been there for me.

    With lots of Love and gratitude,

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