Hello there,
There are no words to describe how I feel about you. Your very presence touches my heart and feeds my soul.
Your dedication to living a life on the physical plane shows your amazing courage and strength.
Your ability to love, despite the number of times you have been hurt and disappointed is astounding to me.
Your determination and perseverance to create a life filled with joy, success and abundance even though you have been frustrated with sadness, failure and lack is, quite honestly, amazing.
Friend, you don’t give yourself nearly enough credit. You, dear one, are a rock star—as you say upon your planet.
So why do you not see that yourself? Why do you see what (you think) is wrong with you instead?
If you could see yourself through my eyes, you would never doubt yourself again. You would never fail again—because you would create what you know you deserve.
And you would never feel alone again, because you would know how deeply and completely I love you and that I am always and forever with you.
If you could stop the self-judgment, Friend, you would create more love and light in your world. You would create more success, more abundance and, of course, more fun.
So maybe just for today, you could pay attention to only the wonderful things about you? Make a list—yes, an actual list—of 100 wonderful things about you. If you don’t have time for 100 just begin and see how many you can list in five minutes.
And watch your world change.
People will treat you better, you will create more success and yes, you’ll even begin to feel more joy.
Remember—thoughts are things. They have impact on your world, on your emotions and on those around you. Think the good ones.
With most heartfelt love,
Your Higher Self
P.S. Sometimes, Friend, you just have to go on a little vacation from negativity and focus on only the thoughts that make you happy. I know, it sounds Pollyanna, but it is actually the most self-loving thing you can do. Celebrate you and all that is wonderful in your world—no matter how small. And watch—as your world mirrors those feelings right back at you.
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