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Hello there,

I would like you to think about the person you most admire.

Now, let me ask you—do you think that person sits around worrying? Do you think that person doubts his or her ability? Do you think he or she “plays small”?

It is more likely the person you most admire is authentic. He or she is likely also passionate. And I’d be willing to bet that the person you most admire lives life with gusto, without apology yet with compassion, and is not afraid to be themselves.

I’d also be willing to be that he or she makes mistakes. And forgives himself or herself for those mistakes.

Friend, it’s time you become the person you know you can become. You don’t have to be that person tomorrow. But stop the excuses.

You ARE good enough. You ARE powerful enough. You DO deserve.

For not only will you have the time of your life when you begin to live your life without excuses—but the world is waiting for the gift you promised—the gift of your whole self.

The world needs more people coming alive with the joy of who they are. It’s time to step up.

With love and joy,

Your Higher Self

P.S. I know you don’t see yourself on the same level as your “idol”—but you are. And you have something they don’t. You have something no one has. A very unique, very individual “gift” that is yours and yours alone. Celebrate your uniqueness. And share your gift!

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