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Messages from your unseen friends | Receive the message you most need to hear



Hello there,

I know that it has been difficult for you lately—watching as unimaginable atrocities are inflicted on your fellow human beings. I know it leaves you feeling sad, angry and confused. You wonder how this could be happening when your world is supposed to be headed towards more light, love and compassion.

And in your own personal life—things don’t always go as smoothly as you’d like, do they? Oh, of course it isn’t as dire as many poor souls are experiencing, but still, during your challenging times you ask, “Why does life have to be this difficult—this painful?”

Please know, dear Friend, the world doesn’t have to be this dark, this hurtful, this painful—nor was it ever meant to be. And your life certainly doesn’t have to be.

But the trick to manifesting the beautiful world you dream of, is to acknowledge the darkness, the disappointments, the apparent lack of progress—and then to ask, “What part of me still believes I deserve to be disappointed?” Maybe the ‘little’ you who is still afraid, hurt and powerless?”

And then, Friend, love that part of you.

And as you send the “less than whole” part of you love, also send the warring, fearful and angry people of your world love. Allow the love to seep into their souls so that they may see their beauty and goodness, as well as the beauty and goodness of their fellow human beings. You are more powerful than you know, Friend. Don’t doubt that your love has impact—it does.

And as you love yourself and your world, you will see change. You must—for you are creating your reality, from the tiniest detail to the largest world event, and every change begins inside of you.

However, to see even faster change, imagine a life and a world filled with dignity, respect, compassion, abundance, and love. For your imagination combined with your love, will change the world.

With love forever and more,

The Goddess

P.S. Remember time lag is a part of manifestation too. Very little manifests instantly. You must hold the vision, feel the essence and maintain that vibration to institute real and permanent change. Don’t worry, Friend—you can do this. You were born for it.

19 comments add a comment

19 comments to " FROM THE GODDESS "

  • Animesh

    i am very grateful!!!!….u are doing great job…

  • Kimberly

    Hi I really love the amazing and beautiful, fabulous world that we are living in. I want to be caring and compassionate and I absolutely LOVE the spiritual ‘awakening’ that is happening around the world. I feel the Universe is testing me but I am surrounded by more and more Love & Light everyday I can feel it. I am so glad you have helped me, providing ‘The Map ‘as my guide. Love & Light Kimberly

  • Michel Clemmons

    As always, your messages arrive exactly when needed. I’ve been visiting the Ukraine; the horrific event that happened in Russia to the poor children in the movie theatre does indeed cause reflection as to the purpose and meaning of this tragedy. Why? What lesson is to be learned? I will send much love and energy to help those and others suffering around the world to feel at peace and loved.

  • Yorjanis

    Thank you very much. Your messages are extremely powerfull and help the process

  • Trudy

    Dear God/Goddess, It means so much to hear these words and recognize that we are not alone in this world. You are with us every step of the way. Thank you.

  • Gina

    Thank you for the uplifting message!

  • Christel

    Thank you so much…How could you know that I so needed to read that today as I have been struggling to come to terms with the dreadful world news.I will certainly be sending love out to everyone in the world.

  • Pamela

    I would like to say thank you for your messages. They always seem to be what I need at the exact time.

  • Sandi Konkel

    Perfect timing. I really needed this message. Thank you.

  • carol fredericks

    Thx. Goddess! Your comments always come when I need it and in a way that I get it, like that “I could of had a V-8 moment!” lol

  • betty villella

    I love the message thank you so much it made my day and gave me a lot lot to think about

  • Gwennith

    Yes…………..I loved that message and now that I know where my mistake has been I will change my thinking!! Thank you, with Love…

  • CHristopher M Holcombe

    Thank you so much. I needed to read & hear this today. Thank you. Blessings!!

  • Vee

    Thank you.
    The message touched my heart and its just what I needed right now.
    With Love & Gratitude

  • Robert Moreno

    Thank you for being there for us when we most need it….

    I am grateful for you as an unseen friend!
    I am grateful for this day that promises love and abundance!
    I am grateful for my daily bread!
    I am grateful for the work I have to do!
    I am grateful for my family and friends!
    Today is a beautiful day!!

  • Julie thrush

    Beautiful, thank you.

  • Nicole

    Thank you with your love I am healing, I am creating a loving peaceful world. your words encourage and educate me to continue and especially to accept all of me. I thank you for your guidance, love and compassion.

  • Justine

    Thank you that message came at just the right time. x

  • Yogibear52

    My Dear Goddess,
    I am truly grateful, for your beautiful words that really reached the deepest part of me. Your words fill me with joy and happiness. You really encourage me to remember that I am powerful to change my life and others. Thank you so much, your words came at right time when I was need it most.

    With all my love and gratitude,

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