Hello there,
Some would say I have a tough job.
My job is to love you with all my heart and then let you go.
My job is to want your happiness so badly I could taste it—but then let you make your own mistakes—even if those mistakes result in some temporary unhappiness.
My job is to let you “do it for yourself”, even though I could “do it for you”—because I honor your choice to practice creating here in the illusion called “earth”.
But I say I have an easy job.
I get to love you. How much more wonderful does it get?
I get to support and guide you. Believe me, there is hardly a more rewarding a job.
I get to watch you grow. Something that makes me smile just thinking about it.
I get to watch you love. Oh, Friend, how you do love. Maybe not when you are angry, or sad, or afraid (you are human after all)—but your ability to love is truly amazing.
I am honored that you are a part of me, Friend. Thank you for your choice to play the game of “earth”. Because as you grow and become more, I grow and become more, as does everything else in the multiverse.
I love you dearest one.
I will love you forever—forever and beyond,
P.S. I also get to watch you have fun (I wish it were more often). And when you choose to love and honor yourself by allowing your life to be playful and sweet, that warms my heart deeply. Because that is the way earth was always meant to be…
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