Hello there,
Oh, dear one, it is so good to be with you…connecting with you in a way that you can feel my love more deeply.
Do you remember, dear Friend, our conversation before you took on that “body” of yours?
You said, “God, I can’t imagine how it would be to forget You. I just cannot imagine not being enveloped in this amazingly wonderful love, light, majesty, and magnificence.” And then you jumped—into your body—never dreaming you could ever forget from whence you came.
But forget you did—for quite some time. And here you are…remembering again. And Friend, I think remembering feels as wonderful for me as it does for you. For I can feel your heart lightening up, I can feel your hope growing, and I can feel your love deepening—for yourself, for Me and for humanity.
Ah, and I know something else you may have forgotten dear one. I know there is a special gift you have been entrusted to bring to the planet…to this place that has been ensnared in darkness for so long. This gift you were given is a gift of hope, love, and inspiration for others.
How will you know what the gift is? Oh, dearest Friend…it’s you. It’s simply you, being the most pure form of “you” that you can be. It is then that your natural talents will surface and shine. It is then that you will have the most fun of all! And it is then that you will allow everything in your world to prosper and blossom.
What an exciting lifetime, eh?
With astounding love for you,
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