Hello there,
Have I told you how much I love my life?
I’m smiling as I write that, because I’m sure I have. And yet, I have to say it again. I am soooooo happy. And not just happy—but at peace, too. Oh, and excited—I cannot wait for the sun to come up every morning because life is just so darn much fun.
Yeah, Friend, your story really does have a happy ending—or beginning—depending upon how you look at it. And you (or we) made it happen.
I know you aren’t quite here yet. But one thing I did want to remind you about is your image.
You know, you don’t always think of yourself as the powerful, together, gorgeous, smart, successful, spiritual, babe that you are. In fact—who are we kidding—sometimes you are pretty hard on yourself.
And Friend, I gotta tell you—that just won’t get you here.
When it really began to change for me, was when I gave up on feeling that somehow I didn’t do it right, or did it too slow, or just plain failed. Its funny, because always thinking you could have done better is a habit.
And so is thinking you are right on track. Because, kiddo, you are.
Yeah, you are doing it right. You haven’t let anyone down. You can forgive yourself for all of your perceived shortcomings.
And you can know you are enough. You are divine. You deserve a fabulous, delicious, exciting, abundant, prosperous and love-filled life.
Hey, this is YOUR illusion. Why not?
With love, love, love,
Your Future Self
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