Hello there,
Like most other humans on the planet, you have this cockamamie idea that things have to be hard. When the truth is, things will be what you believe them to be. If you believe things like making money, having success, building relationships, etc. are hard, they will be. If you believe they will be easy, they will be.
And I remind you of that Friend, as I’m about to tell you the most important secret I have to share (well, it’s not really a secret but I pay attention to what you pay attention to—and you seem to pay attention to that word “secret”)…anyway, the secret is: If you only do what you are excited about doing, every minute of every day, life gets amazingly FUN (not to mention more successful)!
Oh I know…you are worried that if you only do what is exciting to do, you will never work another day in your life! And, yes, that is exactly what I hope for you. Work shouldn’t feel like work!
Begin practicing choosing the most exciting direction now, so that eventually, your work becomes exciting, your home life becomes exciting, everything becomes exciting! Because, dear Friend, this is your life. Your world. You are the one creating it. And when you choose more passion, more excitement, more fun…that choice brings me closer to you.
With love, love, love,
Your Spirit
P.S. Start today, Friend. As many times as you can, throughout your day, ask yourself, “What is the most exciting thing I can do right now?” And do it.
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