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Messages from your unseen friends | Receive the message you most need to hear



Hello there,

It is such a joy to be able to speak to you like this. I do try to speak to you every single day of your life—through a baby’s smile, the beauty of a sunset, a neighbor’s kind word—but this email is pure, straightforward and elegant.

And since I have such a clear channel with which to communicate, there is something I’ve wanted you to know for a very long time.

You see, Friend, I notice you have a tendency to take things personally. Whether you receive an outright rejection, or the message is delivered in more subtle ways—I see you being disappointed and hurt over what happens around you.

I know, of course, that when you set your heart on something and it doesn’t happen the way you wish it would, the inclination is to feel you could have “created it better.”

But what if, dearest Friend, you did create it better? What if, the thing you most desire in your heart of hearts is simply a breath away…and what looks like a disappointment is really a steppingstone to your dream coming true?

Or, what if the “disappointment” is actually a blessing in disguise–leaving you open to receiving something much better?

The point is, dear one, you have no clue why various things happen along the path of creation, and you have no need to know. You to need know only one thing: how you want to feel in your life—and to feel that way no matter what happens around you.

Wishing you success, love and happiness, and sending you tons of love to help you create it,

Your Soul

P.S. From now on, when you feel disappointed, give the disappointment to me. It cannot hurt me. And ask me to help you send a clear energetic message for what you DO want. I will be there. I always am.

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