Hello there,
I know this world can seem so “real”. And that is why I stay so close to you, dear one. Because I do understand your world-and I want to be there when you call on me.
However, just because it seems real, Friend, doesn’t mean it is real. It is a very seemingly-real illusion…a game you chose to play for a while. And if you can lift yourself out of the game, even for a minute or two or ten, you will realize it is just that-a game.
And if you allow yourself to be renewed, when you lift out of that “realness”…you can shift your resonance, and your illusion (or reality, as you call it) will respond.
So, dear one, take a moment. (Ask us to help.) Lift up, up, up, away from this place, into a cloud of love, light, sparkling futures and beautiful realities. Experience this world for even a moment, and you will change your life.
With respect for your journey, and never-ending love,
Your Guardian Angel
P.S. Friend, while you are in the place of sparkling futures…imagine the most jaw-droppingly wonderful future you can! And remember, if you can imagine it—you can create it.
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