Hello there,
You may not realize it, but you’re going through a tough transition right now. Everything on your planet is shifting and changing—including you. No matter where you think you are spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and even physically, you’re upgrading—even as you read this.
These shifts can be taxing and disorienting. They can lead to confusion and self-doubt. It’s really important for you to be gentle with yourself, Friend. More than ever before, you require extra time and space to just “be” with yourself in the stillness.
There’s a new world being born, and a new you being born as well. Be patient with the changes in the world—focus on what’s right with it, not what’s wrong. And be patient with yourself too. Focus on the things you love about yourself and leave the judgements behind.
You can’t know how the changes that are about to happen will take place, but trust that they will. The old ways are crumbling—within you and within the world. Be open to new possibilities, new directions, and new thoughts.
So much has changed for me, Friend, you wouldn’t even believe it. I’m happier, more successful, more at peace, and having more fun than I’d ever dreamed possible at your age. It may not be easy getting here, but when you do, you’ll love it here!
Here’s an affirmation for you: “No matter what my reality looks like, I trust that I’m creating more love, peace, abundance, safety, security, joy, fun, and harmony for myself, and for my world.”
I love you, Friend!
Your Future Self
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