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Hello there,

I know there have been a few challenges lately. Please know, it is not us, on this side, challenging you. It is YOU challenging you. For you entered this lifetime with a desire to grow, to love and to be of service to others (who are also “you”).

And you ARE growing, you ARE becoming more loving, and you ARE helping human kind every time you choose to love yourself. You are doing splendidly Friend.

And I am with you. Every step of the way. Remember that. And remember to turn to me, for comfort, for love and for assistance.

For I love you—deeply, completely, unconditionally. And I always, always will.

Yours in love forever,

The Goddess

P.S. Give me those challenges, dear Friend. Let me lighten your load. Just imagine gathering them in your arms into a big bundle, and handing them over to a shimmering sphere of love. There is nothing that would bring me greater joy, than to help you move forward into the life you were born to live.

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