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Hello there,

I find it fascinating that I have come to be known as such a “judgmental god” in so many religious factions—especially because I do not judge a single thing you do, say or think.

The reason I find that fascinating is, as with all things on earth, it comes from within. Those who profess that I judge are, in fact, judging themselves.

So, just to be crystal clear my dear, dear Friend. Please do know—I love you unconditionally. And there is nothing (absolutely nothing) you could do, say or think that could change that.

I also judge nothing…nada, zip, zilch. There is no point in it, you see. Because I know, being human, you will do things you will later regret. That is called learning. And it is what you came to earth to do.

I do, however, care about you. And I urge you with great love, not to judge yourself. Hold forgiveness in your heart for anything (and everything) you have ever judged yourself for.

Whatever you did, didn’t do, should have done or wanted to do…let it go…with love and tenderness. And while you are in that space…forgive others too. It doesn’t mean you need to keep people in your life if you don’t want them to be there; it does mean you deserve to be free.

Ahhhh…you feel lighter already!

With great unconditional love for you,


P.S. Breathe, Friend. Powerful life-force is all around you (physical and non-physical). Let it in.

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