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Hello there,

I remember when you were born into that body. You looked up at me through your beautiful, innocent baby eyes and you knew—you knew you were valuable. You knew you were loved. You knew you were divine and connected to me in deep and unalterable ways.

You didn’t have to prove yourself. You didn’t wonder if you were “doing it right”. You didn’t doubt your power. You didn’t worry that things might not turn out the way you want.

You were overflowing with happiness simply because you existed.

When did it all change Friend? When did you forget who you are and start measuring yourself by the standards others set for you? When did you let fear in? When did you lose your bubbling, ever-present joy? When did you stop being yourself?

Yes, these are rhetorical questions dearest one. I know fully well when things shifted for you. And I write this not to chide you for forgetting, but to encourage you to remember.

You don’t need to change for anyone, dear Friend. Your truest self is your greatest gift.

So how about it? Today—will you remember—that you are divine, that you are unconditionally loved, that you are powerful beyond all measure, and that you are perfect, just the way you are?

Will you remember to just be (and honor) you?

You see, the more comfortable you become with being your truest self, the more fun you’ll have, the more joy you’ll feel, and the more powerful you’ll become.

I believe in you, Friend. I always have. I always will.

With tremendous love,

The Goddess

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