Hello there,
Life doesn’t always turn out the way you thought it would, does it? It seems to take twists and turns that surprise (and sometimes astound) you.
There are a lot of energies that combine to create your “reality,” Friend. Oftentimes those energies are unconscious.
They come from a child “self” who is still in pain, confused and feels unloved. They come from an adolescent “self” who feels life is unfair and is reeling from a hurt, betrayal or abandonment.
Add to the unconscious energies the issue of “time lag”—the “delayed reaction” that happens on the physical plane between thinking, feeling and believing and the corresponding reality that will manifest from those energies.
Yes, it can be confusing on your planet. And that confusion can result in throwing up your hands and giving up on creating a truly beautiful life.
But Friend, there is a reason for everything—even if you can’t see it right away. Everything is healable. And you do have guidance—boy do you have guidance.
Which is why I write you this message—to remind you to stop looking outside of yourself for answers and feedback. The answers are inside of you dear one. The ability to create is there too.
The key to a happy and successful life is to stay conscious of the way you feel. If you feel good, you create good realities. It is as simple as that.
Now don’t mistake what I’m saying. I do not mean that you should mask unhappy feelings with a happy face. What I do mean is, if something is making you unhappy, find out why.
Is it simply a matter of focusing your thoughts on the positive rather than the negative? Is it healing those past “selves?” Or is it deeper work—changing your beliefs to be in alignment with creating a life you truly love? It will likely be one of the above or a combination of the three. You can discover exactly what needs to shift.
You can do this Friend. And I’m here to love you (and guide you) through the entire process.
Always by your side,
Your Higher Self
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