Hello there,
What will snap you out of your comfort zone, dearest one?
Yes, I am asking you quite bluntly. What will make you take that leap into the life you dream of?
Because, my love, that’s what you came here to do.
You didn’t plan on staying asleep.
You don’t want to continue to hide.
You don’t (really and truly) desire to stay small.
Yes, it’s time. And no—you don’t have to do it overnight.
But Friend—stay conscious. Stay awake. You don’t want this lifetime to pass you by.
Oh, I suppose in the long run, it doesn’t’ matter. If it takes you a thousand more lifetimes to “get it” who cares, right?
Well, I care—not that you accomplish anything in particular. But that you’re happy—that you’re fulfilled—and that you have as much fun as you possibly can.
Because that’s what you came here to do.
I love you. And I want what you want.
Have you noticed how true that is?
If you want to be sad, I don’t stop you. If you want to be a victim, it hurts my heart, but I let you.
I won’t stand in your way. No matter what you believe, what you think you deserve, or what you are willing to accept.
Why? Because that is the deal we made when you became physical. And I love and respect you too much to break my promise.
But Friend, it can be easier. You can wake up, and stay awake. Life can be filled with fun, joy, love and abundance all of the time (yes—ALL of the time).
So why not try, right? Why not dream it, commit to it and do everything you can to make it come true? What do you have to lose, after all? Scarcity, victimhood, mediocrity?
I love you Friend. I always have. And I always will.
Yours forever,
The Goddess
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