Hello there,
With everything that’s going on, have you been able to notice the stunning beauty of your planet lately? The earth’s very natural beauty is magnificent in such a variety of ways—from the delicate detail of the tiniest flower to the vast and majestic landscapes that simply take your breath away.
And yet, there are places on the earth that are less than beautiful—polluted places, trash-filled places and places seemingly barren of nature. But you don’t chastise your earth for being less than perfect, do you? You know that she simply needs more love.
And similarly, Friend, YOU are exquisitely beautiful, in a vast variety of ways—from the tiniest detail to the most expansive view of who you are.
And you are not perfect either.
You often chastise yourself for that. You compare yourself against some idealized version of “you” in your mind and you worry you will never live up to your true potential.
I am here to tell you that you, like the planet, simply need more love. And that love begins with “you” loving “you” more.
Take a moment, dear one, to really see the beauty in yourself right now. Notice the incredible capacity you have to love. Acknowledge the passionate desire you have to become more of who you really are. Really own the very unique and wonderful gifts and talents you possess.
For your beauty, dear Friend is magnificent.
With love, now and forever,
The Goddess
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