Hello there,
Do you remember the old days, when you were close to me and I was close to you? Do you remember the fire that burned deep inside you about your life, your hopes, your dreams?
Friend, that fire is still inside you. I AM that fire, I should know.
Isn’t it time to let it (me) burn bright again? Can we stoke up those flames together?
Oh, don’t misunderstand…I don’t mean reigniting the old dreams that had every right to flicker out and die. I mean lets dream new dreams! Lets dream what we’ve never dreamt before…and lets ignite THAT!
Life is so much fun when you let me be a part of it, Friend. Let’s be close again, ok?
With passionate love for you,
Your Spirit
P.S. I’m planning to come visit you in your sleep tonight dear Friend. And if you will allow, I am going to plant sparks of new dreams in your heart and fan them into flames of delight! (And when you awaken, don’t be surprised at the excitement you feel and the ideas that begin to bubble up!)
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