Hello there,
I have a new nickname for you to call me—Mirror. Yeah, I know it’s kind of lame, but if you start calling me Mirror maybe you will begin to remember what I do—I reflect back exactly what you put into me.
That means you shouldn’t expect your reality to bring you success when you are feeding me failure. It works about as well as you sternly looking at your reflection in a mirror and saying, “Smile now— dammit!”
Everyone knows you have to smile first and then the reflection smiles back. Well, it’s the same with me. If you put beliefs into me about your success, divinity, worthiness and happiness, then that is what you’ll see reflected back.
And until you do, you will continue to see the beliefs you’ve accepted from others—that life is a struggle, you win some you lose some, and maybe, just maybe, you get lucky once in a while.
The sad truth is, hardly anyone knows about how I work, and fewer yet do anything about it.
BE the exception, Friend. Don’t settle for mediocrity. And don’t let what others believe run your life.
YEARN for more than a run of the mill life. KNOW that you have the power to make your dreams come true. And DO what it takes to make that happen—on the outside and on the inside.
You came here to shine, Friend. It’s time to begin.
With extreme love and undying patience,
Your Subconscious Mind
P.S. If you need to, get ANGRY at the mediocrity, the struggle and the hardship. Anger can be motivating! But don’t sit around in blame, self-pity and martyr. Those energies are like crack—anesthetizing and addictive. Dream, baby, dream—and then get to work—and create your dreams coming true!