Hello there,
I’m delighted to have this time to connect with you. Oftentimes this is the only time we have together, isn’t it? Your life is very busy.
But have you noticed—it never really slows down much. It’s hard to slow down, isn’t it, Friend?
And yet slowing down is vital. It helps you connect with me, and your other unseen friends, but just as importantly, slowing down helps you to listen to your heart.
And your heart, dearest one, tells you so much. It tells you what to spend your precious time upon. It tells you where to focus your thoughts. It even tells you what to dream.
Unfortunately your outside world doesn’t encourage you to listen to your heart. Your world is still based upon struggle, hardship and competition. It is changing, yes, but for the time being it won’t help you get to where you really want to go.
Only you can do that—by listening to your heart.
Listen to it for the big things of course—whether to take that job offer, whether to commit to a partnership or whether to move to another city.
But also listen to it for the little things. For instance, ask your heart, “What would feel really exciting to do this very moment?”
And don’t judge the answer. If your heart says, “It would feel great to sit in a chair and stare out the window for an hour,” don’t question it. And certainly don’t judge yourself as lazy.
That hour of nurturing and complete unconditional self-love could shift your entire day, week, year or even your life.
I know, that seems far-fetched, but it’s true. Every single time you love yourself enough to honor your preferences you move one step closer to a life of bliss.
Remember, the world won’t encourage you to do this. You need to make the choice.
With love, love and more love,
Your Soul
P.S. And while you are listening to your heart, dear Friend, call upon us to help. We could help you hear your heart better, we could help you discover limiting beliefs, or we could help you love yourself more. We would be delighted to help you with whatever your heart desires.
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