Hello there,
I wept with joy the day you were born—and I wept with sadness at the same moment.
I was excited for the adventure you were about to begin. Yet I was aware, that from that moment on, you would move further and further away from me, away from truth, away from who you really are.
Throughout your life, there have been many more reasons for tears—of both joy and sadness—and I have been there for them all.
But now, Friend, now is different.
Now…I am excited for you.
I see where you’re headed. I see what’s opening up for you. I see the tremendous growth on the horizon.
And I see you taking your power back more than you ever have before, and in the future, more than you’ve even dreamed.
That is exciting.
You’re learning to create a beautiful life for yourself dear one. I am so happy for you. And I want to remind you to deeply, richly, and fully enjoy that life.
Don’t wait for the successes. Don’t wait for all of your dreams to come true. Enjoy your life now—enjoy the earth and her beauty. Enjoy the people and their love. Enjoy the opportunities that present themselves to you over and over again. Enjoy the enchantment and the synchronicities.
Life can be magical, Friend, if you’ll let it—and if you expect it. I expect it for you. Will you allow it? I will help.
With great love,
Your Soul
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