Hello there,
If I could be physical for only a moment, I would reach out and draw you close to me. I would embrace you, gently, tenderly. And I would whisper in your ear…
“Stop for a minute Friend…stop the “doing” in the physical world, and listen for just a moment.
You know that the physical is not real, and yet you operate as if it is. You are simply on a training mission. Physicality is an illusion and you are visiting the make-believe mission site. Your real home is beyond three dimensions.
And your real self is beyond your personality.
You are strong beyond measure.
You are gifted with genius—GENIUS Friend.
And you are so inherently powerful you literally could create anything. ANYTHING you can imagine.”
Maybe if I were physical you would let those words in. But I can’t be. These are the rules we all agreed to before we started playing this game. But—you can imagine me there. I AM real and you can imagine me physical and let those words in deeper than you ever have.
Because it’s time now—time to get “real”. Time to follow your heart. Time to let your true self emerge and finally live the life you came here to live.
I believe in you, Friend. I absolutely know you can do this.
With everlasting love,
Your Soul
P.S. What one step will you take towards your dream today? You don’t need to make big changes or do it all in a day, a week or even a year. But you will only get there by being determined to take those baby steps. Today…what will your baby step be?
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