Hello there,
I talk often of how much I love you, and how magical your universe is—capable of creating the most phenomenal life for you.
But I haven’t talked much of a very powerful energy to help you to create that phenomenal life—gratitude.
Gratitude is amazing. The more you acknowledge even the littlest gifts in your current life, the easier it will be to create an even more wonderful life.
Gratitude creates more to be grateful for. It’s as simple as that—the law of attraction at work, once again.
And you have so much to be grateful for—eyes to read this message with, a device at your avail to deliver the message and a brain able to decipher it’s meaning, to name just a few.
If you make gratitude a habit, Friend, so much can change in your world.
Begin today. Start the day (either before you jump out of bed, over breakfast or in the shower) with a list (mental or physical) of all you are grateful for. Allow it to cover everything in your life, from the beauty, to the people, to the abundance.
And be as detailed as you can. Details open your heart, dear one—they stop you from becoming automatic with gratitude and the impact will be much more profound.
Expand your gratitude, Friend, and you’ll expand your joy, love, prosperity, and abundance.
With love and blessings,
Your Higher Self
P.S. I am grateful for you, Friend. It is through your eyes I experience the world. And it is my relationship with you that brings me such profound joy. Thank you for being.
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