Hello there,
Do you sometimes feel as though life is pulling at you? That there are so many places to put your attention that it becomes overwhelming, so you just. zone. out?
The problem with zoning out is that you end up not feeding your dreams. What really matters to you gets jumbled up with all the trivial little stuff that doesn’t really matter at all, and when you look back at this time five years down the road, you’ll wonder why you wasted so much of it.
The truth is, you’re creating your reality every minute of every day. It doesn’t take much positive energy to move your reality in a better direction—but if you do nothing, nothing will change.
I suggest, dear one, that you set aside just five minutes—just five minutes—every morning, to set your intentions for the day. What might that look like? Perhaps something like this:
• I intend to stay conscious today—to feel my feelings and choose where to place my attention.
• I intend to have fun today—and that my day contains at least one delightful surprise!
• I intend to feel connected today—to my unseen and seen friends who love me deeply.
• I intend to feel productive today—and that I accomplish even more than I expect.
• I intend to feel abundant today—I live in an abundant universe and create more and more personal abundance every day.
• I intend to feel happy today—remembering all that I am grateful for.
• I intend to feel like my future self for at least part of today—living as if all my dreams have already come true.
You could laminate your list and put it in your shower, Friend, or read your intentions over breakfast. This morning ritual won’t take long but can have a profound effect on your life. Remember, energy in=reality out.
I love you (so so much)!
Your Higher Self
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