Hello there,
Have you ever felt overwhelmed? Like you can’t seem to get it all done? Like you aren’t quite who you really want to be?
Do you ever feel as though you could be better at things? Better at being healthy? A better friend, lover, parent or child? More successful, more spiritual, more abundant, more present or more caring?
Friend, what if I were to tell you, “You are absolutely enough right this very moment.”
What if you were to really let in, “You do not need to grow, or do, or be anything more than who and what you are right now.”
If you accomplished nothing more than what you have accomplished, if you never loved another minute, if you never did anything other than sit in a corner and gaze into the distance—you are still divine. You are still holy. You are still a perfect reflection of God and Goddess.
It’s easy to feel as if you’ve fallen short Friend. It’s a side effect of being human on your planet.
But here is the truth: you need to get off the merry-go-round before you can let the magic happen. You need to stop chasing the dream. Stop expecting perfection. Stop letting your negative self tell you that you must do or be something different than what and who you already are.
Or better yet, listen to them tell you how you don’t measure up—thus freeing yourself from their energy—and then let me take them away for healing.
Then, dear Friend, let it in—you are enough. Relax, and enjoy this minute, this day, this life. Feel gratitude for every little and big thing in your life.
And be.
Be in peace. Be in joy. Be in love.
Yours forevermore,
Your Higher Self
P.S. Don’t be surprised, Friend, once you’ve anchored in this freedom, peace and love, when things start shifting in your outer world too.
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